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Church linked to Naasón Joaquín, without protection against bank blockade

Rubén Mosso and Jannet López Ponce

Mexico City / 03/11/2020 15:56:48


The Financial Intelligence Unit reported that an amparo was denied that promoted one of the churches related to The light of the world and whose accounts will remain locked.

MILLENNIUM confirmed that this is Levitical Fraternity A.R., one of the churches linked to The Light of the World and to which they went blocked at least two bank accounts in Santander last year.

This church is related to Naasón Joaquín García, leader of the Light of the World and prisoner in U.S for the crimes of human trafficking, child pornography and violation of a minor.

Last year the Luz del Mundo won an injunction against the blocking of their accounts, but six more associations remain blocked.

The Financial Intelligence Unit reported that the Eighth District Judge in Administrative, Civil and Labor Matters in the State of Jalisco denied the protection number 1558/2019.

“This considering that the blocking of accounts responded to the compliance by the FIU, as the authority of the Mexican State, with the recommendations of FATF, number 4, which says that countries should have mechanisms to freeze the goods resulting from or attempting to money laundering. and 29 where it states that FATF member countries must have a UFI for the reception and analysis of information related to money laundering. Due to the above and in accordance with the national and international legal framework, the FIU continues its work to combat corruption. ”

The judge mentioned that the FIU revealed that operations were detected within the national financial system that do not count commercial activities in lawful businesses as a cause, pointing out that the salary of the leader of the religious association and its members do not agree with the declared, who present operations for extremely high amounts and out of profile as religious associations.

Likewise, that the various fiscal operations do not agree with the declared amounts, that irregular operations and transactions for extremely high amounts sent in a triangular manner were located; in addition, that international transfers in foreign currencies (US dollars and euros) were detected without his having declared to have foreign commercial relations (information in customs or foreign trade), as well as operations in dollars in cash.

“Concluding that resources from the national to the international sphere have entered the financial system with a high degree of probability of discarding unlawful conduct and the purpose of which is to hide the origin, property and destination of goods or resources,” the sentence details.

Olvera Arreola indicated that the FIU argued that the Mexican State is committed to effectively implementing the recommendations of the International Financial Action Group, under the legal means available to it, and in the case, the powers to prevent combating crimes of operations with resources of illicit origin from which money laundering follows.

“… It is evident that the agreement issued by the head of the FIU of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, derives from the fulfillment of an international obligation assumed by our country, therefore it operates as a precautionary measure, as it is a measure provisional that responds precisely to a specific procedure that is:

“The fulfillment of the international commitments that our country has acquired, and therefore, contrary to what is claimed by the complainant, said precautionary measure does not violate its human right to a hearing and due process; for this reason, there is no invasion of competence towards the powers of the Public Ministry in the investigation of crimes as it is a matter that is related to compliance with international treaties, ”states the ruling.

The temple accounts were opened at Santander banks, Banco Interacciones and GBM Administradora de Activos.


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