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Chu Mi-ae “The Cho Kuk-jok is a great… 尹 political agitation for the presidency, the 2nd Se-hoon Oh”

Former Minister of Justice Chu Mi-ae (right) appeared in’Kim Eo-jun’s Dasboeida’, which was released on the afternoon of the 5th. On the left is the host Kim Eo-jun. [유튜브 캡처]

– Former Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae said to the family of former Justice Minister Cho Kook, “The whole family is great.” It is because she appeared in’Kim Eo-jun’s Dasveoida’, which was released on the afternoon of the 5th.

“The motherland comforts? Who comforts who?”

– When asked by Kim Eo-joon, “I know that former Minister Cho delivered words of consolation right after his resignation,” Choo said, “Who is comforting whom? I thought that the whole family is the eldest.”

At the same time, referring to former Minister Cho’s wife Chung Gyeong-shim, professor at Dongyang University, who was convicted of 11 out of 15 charges including illegal entrance exams, and was convicted by the court, he said, “My wife and mother are in prison.” How can I endure it?” he said. He added, “If I knew the pain early, I would regret it.”

Cho Kook, former Minister of Justice (left) and his wife, Kyung-Shim Chung, a professor at Dongyang University.  Yonhap News·News 1

Cho Kook, former Minister of Justice (left) and his wife, Kyung-Shim Chung, a professor at Dongyang University. Yonhap News·News 1

“I’m lonely when I was a minister… a big consolation for flowers and encouraging words”

– At the beginning of the broadcast, Kim Eo-jun introduced the former Minister Chu and raised it up, saying, “In Das Boeida, he was called’General Chu’ (General Chu Mi-ae).”

Minister Chu said, “(Even after leaving the Minister of Justice), it was not easily broken like a knot.” When Kim Eo-jun joked, “I think you care about skin beauty,” he laughed out loud, “Do you look good?”

Minister Chu said that he was lonely when he was the Minister of Justice. “The flowers and words of encouragement sent by the citizens were comforting.” “Because these people do this, we have no choice but to go straight ahead.

He said, “You said you were a general, but if you can’t cross the climax of the times, I’m standing at the end of the era.

Eo-Jun Kim “尹, fired again?”…秋 “Heat burst”

– In the process of investigating the violation of the Political Fund Act by former Prime Minister Han Myung-sook, Choo also argued that “you must have seized the case to make it difficult…”

In addition, he headed up the prosecution policy researcher Im Eun-jeong, who claims he was excluded, and said to former prosecutor general Yoon Seok-yeol, “This is not only a hindrance to the prosecution, but also obstructs the investigation.” All that, the prosecutor general’s laws and principles are the same as those in the trash,” he attacked.

When Kim Eo-joon asked, “If there was Minister Chu Mi-ae, would you be dismissed again?”, Minister Chu added, “I have a temper in this part. I really have a fever…”

Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, who expressed his appreciation on the 4th, is leaving the Supreme Prosecutors' Office with a bouquet after greeting with the staff.  Reporter Kim Gyeong-rok

Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, who expressed his appreciation on the 4th, is leaving the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office with a bouquet after greeting with the staff. Reporter Kim Gyeong-rok

“Political agitation to emerge as a leader in power”

– Regarding the promotion of the passport to the Severe Crime Investigation Office (the Heavy Water Service), Minister Choo argued that “there are few countries without an investigation office,” and that “the prosecutor general is on the verge.

“In the past, the former mayor of Seoul Oh Se-hoon (currently, a candidate for the power of the people of the mayor of Seoul) once opposed free meals.” It is a political agitation to emerge as a major power leader, and that is the second Se-hoon Oh.”

However, there is a public opinion in the legal world that there is no country that does not recognize the right to investigate the prosecution of serious crimes among the advanced judicial countries.

Former Minister of Justice Choo Mi-ae. [유튜브 캡처]

Former Minister of Justice Choo Mi-ae. [유튜브 캡처]

“If you want to do anything, I will give it all”

– Minister Chu said about his future political actions, “It is difficult to understand how and what will change after the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19).” did.

He added, “If I mature what I devised and ask to do anything to the Republic of Korea, where there is hope for a good life together, I will be willing to give it all.” “When will the maturation end?” asked Eo-Jun Kim’s question, “I thought about some parts for quite a while. Some say that the times will know when I bring out this thought. It is not something I can decide (when).” I avoided the immediate answer to.

Reporter Go Seok-hyun [email protected]

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