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Chronology of the Kartasura Palace Fort Broken down to build boarding houses, land buyers claim to be ordered by the head of the RT

KOMPAS.com – Palace Fort Walls Kartasura in Krapyak Kulon Village, Kartasura Village, Kartasura District, Sukoharjo, Central Java, was broken into on Thursday (21/4/2022) afternoon.

The length of the wall that was broken down was about 4-5 meters.

Whereas Kartasura Palace fort walls which was built in 1680 has been registered as cultural heritage to the Preservation Hall Cultural heritage Central Java.

This means that the fort wall must be protected and must not be damaged or change its original form.

Read also: When the walls of the fort of the Kartasura palace were broken down because they were considered to have spent RT cash

Plans to build boarding houses

The land owner who broke through the palace fort wall just bought the land about a month ago.

The land covering an area of ​​682 square meters was purchased for Rp. 850 million from a resident in Lampung.

The plan is that the land will be used for boarding houses. On Monday (18/4/2022), the land owner dismantled the palace wall with an excavator to make an access road for material transport trucks.

In addition, the owner also argued for land clearing.

Read also: The Polemic of the Wall of the Kartasura Palace which was broken down for a place of business

On Thursday, April 21, 2022 at around 15.30 WIB, the land owner again demolished the fort to the west of the Kartosuro Palace.

Sukoharjo Regent Etik Suryani heard the news on Friday (22/4/2022) night.

On Saturday (23/4/2022), he went directly to the location to see directly the heritage site of the Kartasura Palace.

Etik admitted that he was disappointed with the incident because the palace fort walls were included in a protected cultural heritage.

“Last night I received this news, I was able to launch it (to the location) just today. Actually I am very disappointed, regretting why as a resident, especially a native of Kartasura, do not know the history here,” said Etik in Kartasura, Sukoharjo, Central Java. , Saturday (23/4/2022).

Read also: Regarding the Fort Wall of the Kartasura Palace being breached, Gibran: That’s inconsequential

He said the land owner should notify the village or sub-district authorities before breaking down the wall.

“Moreover, he does not yet have a permit to establish a place of business. That’s why you have to ask first, don’t just attack. What if it’s like this? I am very disappointed,” he said.

As a native of the area, they should be able to help the government in disseminating the existence of historical sites or relics from the Kartasura Palace.

In addition, he also questioned the land certificate in the cultural heritage area. Because according to him, the land in the palace cannot be certified.

Read also: The Wall of the Fort of the Kartasura Palace was broken down, the land buyer even admitted that the head of the RT asked for the wall to be dismantled

Only occupying the building. So tenant the term. How can he have that certificate, I ask,” said Etik.

Therefore, his party will trace the origin of the land certificate in the area.

“We hope that later it can be resolved according to the existing rules. So we can’t immediately forgive. But this is really resolved. They may not be able to return it. The bricks are just over one kilo. here,” he said.

Purchased at a price of IDR 850 million

photo" data-photolink="http://regional.kompas.com/image/2022/04/24/091000878/kronologi-benteng-keraton-kartasura-dijebol-untuk-bangun-kos-kosan-pembeli?page=2" style=" max-width: 100% ; width:750px ">KOMPAS.com/LABIB ZAMANI Motorcyclist crossing the wall of the Kartasura Fort which was broken into in Krapyak Kulon Village RT 002/RW 010, Kartasura Village, Kartasura District, Sukoharjo, Central Java, Saturday (23/4/2022).-Meanwhile, the representative of the family who bought the land, Bambang Cahyono, confirmed that his family bought the land about a month ago.

On the land he bought stood a part The walls of the Kartasura Palace Fort.

Kartasura Palace Fort Walls has a length of about 65 meters. While those who were hacked were about 7.4 meters long, 2 meters wide and 3.5 meters high.

The walls of the Kartasuta Palace Fort are made of bricks that have a thickness of centimeters, a width of 18.5 centimeters and a length of 3.4 centimeters.

Read also: The Fort Wall of the Kartasura Palace Is Broken, the Regent of Sukoharjo: I’m Very Disappointed…

The wall was built around 1680.

Bambang admitted that his family bought the land from Linawati, from Lampung, at a price of Rp. 850 million.

“The first belonged to Mrs. Linawati. Her house is here but now her husband is in Lampung. It has an area of ​​682 square meters and costs Rp. 850 million. It was only paid in half two weeks ago,” he said.

Bambang admitted that he did not know if the wall was part of a historical site.

Read also: The Fort Wall of the Kartasura Palace Is Broken, Central Java BPCB: The Perpetrators Are Clearly We Demand Criminal

He said that while clearing the land, no one directed if the area was part of history.

He even said that the head of the local RT asked him to dismantle the tembong. According to the head of the RT, the fort has cost money for decades.

The reason is that every time we clear the weeds on the land, we spend IDR 300,000 in cash.

“Indeed, Mr. RT and the residents ordered to clean it up. They told him to dismantle it, he said, spending decades on the RT’s cash,” he said.

“Twice, everything has been dismantled with heavy equipment. But it can’t be forbidden to say it belongs to ancient times. But after that, why have there been no warnings or signposts or anything that has been banned until now,” he said.

Bambang said that he only broke down part of the walls of the Kartasura Palace Fort with the excuse of accessing material vehicles

Read also: The Fort Wall of the Kartasura Palace Is Broken, Central Java BPCB: The Perpetrators Are Clearly We Demand Criminal

It is planned that the land will be built for boarding houses.

After the case emerged, Kartasura palace fort walls which was uprooted and the equipment at the location was given a police line.

In addition, after checking, the land owner apparently has not applied for a business license to the Sukoharjo Regency Investment and One Stop Service (DPMPTSP).

Because there was no application for a permit, the sub-district office immediately took steps to temporarily stop the activity.

Criminal act

photo" data-photolink="http://regional.kompas.com/image/2022/04/24/091000878/kronologi-benteng-keraton-kartasura-dijebol-untuk-bangun-kos-kosan-pembeli?page=3" style=" max-width: 100% ; width:750px ">Head of BPCB of Central Java Province, Sukronedi at the location of the Kartasura Palace Fort wall which was breached in Krapyak Kulon Village RT 002/RW 010, Kartasura Village, Kartasura District, Sukoharjo, Central Java, Saturday (23/4/2022).KOMPAS.com/LABIB ZAMANI Head of BPCB of Central Java Province, Sukronedi at the location of the Kartasura Palace Fort wall which was breached in Krapyak Kulon Village RT 002/RW 010, Kartasura Village, Kartasura District, Sukoharjo, Central Java, Saturday (23/4/2022).-Meanwhile, the Civil Service Investigation Team (PPNS) of the Cultural Conservation Preservation Center (BPCB) is still collecting data at the site of the destruction of the walls of the Kartasura Palace Fort, Krapyak Kulon Village, RT 002/RW 010, Kartasura.

“Today we collect data first. So later after data collection we will continue, we will determine whether the elements (criminal acts) are included or not,” said BPCB PPNS Team Harun Al Rasyid in Kartasura, Sukoharjo, Central Java, Saturday.

Harun added, if it is found that there is a criminal element in the destruction of the walls of the Kartasuta Palace Fort, the sanctions are in accordance with Law No. 11 of 2010 concerning Cultural Conservation.

In Article 105 in conjunction with Article 166 paragraph (1) any person who intentionally damages the cultural heritage as referred to in Article 66 paragraph (1) shall be sentenced to a minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 15 years in prison and/or a minimum fine of Rp. 500 million and a maximum of Rp. 5 billion.

Read also: Registered as a Cultural Conservation, the Fort Wall of the Kartasura Palace was even broken down by the owner

Regarding whether there are allegations of misappropriation of land ownership considering the cultural heritage area, his party said that they are still focused on handling the destruction of the cultural heritage wall.

“Regarding ownership, we have not yet explored whether there was fraud or not. We are here to explore more about the destruction. But later when there is an element, maybe we can relate to the transfer of ownership without a permit,” he said.

SOURCE: KOMPAS.com (Author: Labib Zamani | Editors: Reni Susanti, Gloria Setyvani Putri)

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