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Chronology of the Alvin Lim case until the attorney general’s office forced his withdrawal and detention

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Lawyer Alvin Lim will serve a period of detention at the Salemba Detention Center in central Jakarta after being forcibly taken by office of the attorney general Tuesday (18/10) at the Criminal Investigation Police building.

The head of the South Jakarta District Attorney’s Office Syarief Sulaeman Nahdi said Alvin was arrested following the decision of the DKI High Court of Jakarta (PT) to sentence Alvin to 4.5 years in prison for forgery. in letters.


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“To carry out Judge PT’s (DKI) determination in his decision, he was taken to the Salemba Prison / Prison,” Syarief said when confirmed on Tuesday (10/18).

A member of LQ Indonesia law firm, Geraldi, admitted he was surprised by the withdrawal. Geraldi was then accompanying Alvin Lim to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.

“Upset (Alvin Lim was surprised to be picked up by the prosecutor’s office). I was also surprised. Oh, how it is,” Geraldi told the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit on Tuesday (18/10). quoted detik.com.

Geraldi said the prosecutor’s office had not issued a warrant for his arrest or detention. Alvin, Geraldi said, admitted he was surprised he was picked up by the prosecutor’s office at the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit.

“He was arrested suddenly. I don’t know anything,” he added.

The detention was carried out by the South Jakarta District Attorney following the decision of the South Jakarta District Court judge on Tuesday (18/10) that sentenced Alvin to 4.5 years in prison for the case of forgery of the letter.

During the trial, the defendant Alvin Lim was absent for no reason, even though he had been scheduled in a previous trial. Alvin is known to be in Singapore at the time.

At the request of the prosecutor, the panel of judges decided to continue the trial in absentia or without the presence of the accused Alvin Lim.

Tracked by the South Jakarta District Court Case Investigation Information System (SIPP PN Jaksel), the initial trial of this case began on September 27, 2018.

Besides Alvin Lim, there are two other defendants named Melly Tanumihardja alias Melisa Wijaya and Budi Arman alias Budi Wijaya.

He was found guilty by the judge of committing the crime of continuous forgery of letters. Alvin Lim was alleged to have violated Article 263 para. (2) jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) jo. Article 64 paragraph (1) of the criminal code.

Alvin Lim’s lawyer filed an appeal on the 4.5-year decision. Meanwhile, the Public Prosecutor will exercise his right to think for 7 days before filing an appeal.

Read more here.


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