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Chronology of Students in Depok Allegedly Obstructed for Religious Reasons

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Evan Clementine, student of SMAN 6 Kota Depok failed to become Chairman of the Intra School Student Organization (OSIS) is suspected only because of non-Islam.

The election committee for Evan’s vote was disqualified by the committee for the reason that the electronic voting system (e-voting) was damaged. In fact, Evan’s votes until the end of the election deadline on Tuesday (10/11) at 15.00 WIB, led the other four candidates.

However, until the committee decided to extend the electoral deadline to 23.59pm, the next day the election process was decided to be repeated because many students exercised their voting rights.

“The reason was continued because he said there were those who had not voted, he said there were some people who could not vote because user name already used, “said the student of class XI IPA to CNNIndonesia.com, Thursday (12/11).

The voting day for the election of the Student Council Chairperson of SMAN 6 Depok took place on Tuesday (10/11), after the day before, the five candidates for the Student Council president had made an open speech.

On voting day, Evan said the committee had set a deadline for the election until 15.00 WIB. However, the committee then postponed the deadline for elections to 17.00 WIB, arguing that many students had not voted.

However, until the specified deadline, Evan said, there was no information from the committee that the e-voting process was stopped. He finally found out the information himself.

The news he received was obtained through one of his friends in the IT department. He said, the election process was continued until 23.59 WIB. According to Evan, neither the students nor the candidates knew the decision.

“That is, at least I will be given clarity, what is the next step that the committee has decided on,” he said.

Evan did not fully believe the committee’s reasoning that the decision to extend the election period up to two times was because many students had not yet cast their votes. He then asked for information from the IT, and found that only three people could not vote by e-voting.

“There I began to suspect. What’s wrong? Why is there no clarity, why the voting continued until 11:59 p.m.,” he said.

At that time, information from one of his friends, Evan’s voice was still leading among the other four candidates. In a screenshot, Evan received 449 votes, higher than any other candidate who had 350 votes. He also uploaded the cut of the image on his Instagram account.

The next day, Evan and the other four candidates were asked to come to school. There, he was welcomed by the Chairman of the Student Council of SMAN 6 Depok, the chairman of the Class Representative Council (MPK), and the deputy principal of the school. They decided to re-vote.

Evan said that at that time he did not completely reject the decision. He admitted that he rejected the re-voting decision and provided a solution so that the three people who previously reported did not use their voting rights to be accommodated. He is also willing to reduce the number of votes he gets.

However, the committee and the school refused and decided to repeat the e-voting.

“Initially, I suggested it, okay, how many votes are there user name already used. Then my voice was reduced, but they did not want to and did not listen to my voice and it is true that their decision is okay if there is a re-vote, “he said.

Later, Evan suspected that the decision to do e-voting was only a pretext so that he was not elected. The allegations emerged after he received a screenshot of a conversation between a number of parties with religious sentiments because he was a non-Muslim.

He also confirmed this information to the deputy head of SMAN 6 Depok City. However, the Wakasek denied this information.

“From the moment I was summoned suddenly, I finally said, why was it re-voted, is it because of my religion? He said, ‘No, it’s impossible. You shouldn’t think like that’,” he said imitating the Deputy Chief of Staff.

Evan has now made up his mind to step down from running. He considered that there were principles of injustice in the re-election decision.

“I want to ask for justice for like beliefs, like for example everyone has the right to be a leader regardless of religion. No matter what, if the quality is good he has the right to become a leader,” he said.

The principal of SMAN 6 Depok City, Abdul Fatah, has denied allegations of ethnic, racial, religious and intergroup (SARA) sentiment in the process of selecting the student council president at his school. According to him, the issue was only made by a group of irresponsible people.

Fatah confirmed that the decision to repeat e-voting was not due to Evan’s religious background.

“I make sure it’s not that, it’s an issue, it’s usually used by certain people who feel uncomfortable. I make sure it’s not in that direction,” he said.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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