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Chronology of Baby Margaretha’s Husband Dies, Sitting at the Dining Table


Husband Baby Margaretha, Christian Bradach, passed away today. Her husband’s death was caused by cholesterol.

Baby Margaretha explained that her husband died while sitting at the dining table.

Even so, Baby Margaretha’s husband’s head was lying on the dining table.

It was 11.00 WIB, until 12.00 WIB, the position of Baby Margaretha’s husband had not changed. When she woke up, Baby Margaretha’s husband’s body was already blue.

“Yes cholesterol,” said Baby Margaretha when contacted, Sunday (13/3/2022).

“I just came home at 11.00 WIB, he was sleeping in a chair with his head down on the table. Then at half past 12 I tried to wake him up, how come everything was cold, it was blue,” he continued.

Furthermore, because of feeling panicked Baby Margaretha had time to call neighbors to help. Incidentally one of the neighbors is a doctor.

When examined, Baby Margaretha’s husband was declared dead.

“Then I called the neighbor in front of the house to check, coincidentally the neighbor in front of the house is a doctor, it turns out that he said there was no pulse and no breathing,” continued Baby Margaretha.

After that Baby Margaretha immediately took her husband to the hospital. She hopes that at that time her husband can be saved and live again.

Unfortunately, Baby Margaretha’s efforts did not produce good results. Baby Margaretha’s husband was immediately declared dead.

“That’s why we went straight to the hospital, we have also tried here to check everything is helpful, hopefully there is hope again. It turns out that we can’t,” said Baby Margaretha.

More about the funeral, Baby Margaretha’s husband will be buried this afternoon in Bandung, West Java.

(pig / dar)

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