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Chronology and Facts of the Case of a 14 Year Old Teenager Who Was Taken by His Neighbor. Page all

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Satreskrim, Metro Police west Jakarta finally catch W (41), the man who took away the 14 year old teenager F. F is W’s neighbor in Cengkareng, West Jakarta.

This case happened in 2019, when W persuaded F to have intercourse. F then became pregnant and gave birth to a child.

After that W actually took F from his parents. R, the mother of F, shared her story via social media and went viral. A year later, R reported this incident to the police.


This case began when W persuaded his neighbor F to have sex. After having sex, F was declared pregnant.

“Persuaded by persuasion, finally F wanted. And it turned out that the victim became pregnant afterwards,” said West Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Teuku Arsya Khadafi, in a written statement on Friday (21/8/2020).

Also read: The police finally arrested a man who took a 14-year-old teenager from Cengkareng

Afraid that her parents would find out about her pregnancy condition, F tried to hide her growing stomach.

In March 2019, finally F’s parents, in this case the mother, found out that their child was pregnant. At that time F was five months pregnant.

To F’s parents, W promised to be responsible for his creation.

However, after F entered nine months of pregnancy, W was never responsible for his actions.

Over time, finally F gave birth. The baby was then cared for by his family.

After giving birth, at the end of July, W forced F to leave the house without her parents’ permission.

Also read: Arrested in Sukabumi, Man Who Takes a 14-Year-Old Teenager from Cengkareng to Move from Place to Place

“Then on July 30, 2020, the suspect took the victim to leave the house without the parents’ permission by leaving the baby to the reporter,” said Arsya.

The story of F’s kidnapping went viral on social media, finally R reported this incident to the police.

Receiving a report from mother F, the police finally conducted a search by finding W. Eventually they were both arrested in the area Sukabumi, West Java.

Sell ​​a motorbike to pay for the escape

While running away, W tried to instigate and persuade F to take his mother’s motorcycle. The motorbike was eventually sold and the proceeds were run for a fee.

“The mode of the perpetrator is that he gives attention, so the victim believes, the victim feels the perpetrator is paying attention. So at that time the perpetrator wants to bring his parents’ motorbike together and then take the perpetrator away from his house,” said Arsya in a live broadcast on his Instagram account. @polres_jakbar, Friday.

In fact, F’s personal belongings are also sold by W to meet their daily needs.

“During the flight, the victim’s belongings were sold by the perpetrator to pay for the life of the perpetrator during the flight,” said Arsya.

Arrested in Sukabumi

In their escape, W and F continued to move locations, starting from Bekasi, Subang, Sukamadi, and finally Sukabumi.

In fact, the police had difficulty finding W and F, because W often monitored the movements of officers who were looking for him through various available information sources.

“The suspect also monitors his movements so that it is precisely to avoid the officers chasing him,” said Arsya.

Also read: Police: Man Who Takes Away 14-Year-Old Teenager Manipulates Victim to Love Him

To speed up the search process, the police had spread W’s photos in the Sukabumi City area. This was done because W had relatives in Sukabumi City and to the police’s knowledge W owned a house in Sukabumi.

The police then checked the house, but W and F were not at the location.

To be sure again, the police conducted a thorough search and after arriving in Sukabumi, the suspect seemed to have run out of funds, so he could no longer escape from the police.

The police finally brought W and F back to Jakarta. F underwent mental recovery in a safe house by KPAI while W was processed at the West Jakarta Metro Police Headquarters.

F undergo recovery and have not been handed over to parents

KPAI commissioner Puti Elvina said, F will not be handed over to his parents. For the time being, F will be placed in a safe house.

“KPAI will place the child in a safe house. Because we don’t know whether it is conducive for children to stay at their house to be with their parents,” Putu said in a live broadcast on his Instagram account @polres_jakbar, Friday.

Also read: 14 year old teenager from Cengkareng who was taken away and raped will not be handed over to his parents

In addition, Putu said, currently F feels uncomfortable living with his family. Putu suspects that F often gets violence from his family.

From there there is a gap that W takes advantage of by giving love to the victim and ending with intimate relationships.

“If it is not safe enough, the recommendation from KPAI is to stay in a safe house until the rehabilitation time is over,” said Putu.

W threatened with 15 years in prison

After being arrested in Sukabumi, W was eventually escorted to the West Jakarta Metro Police Headquarters, Palmerah, West Jakarta.

The police finally set W as a suspect, W was charged with Article 81 paragraph 2 of Law number 17 of 2016 on Child Protection with the threat of imprisonment of at least 5 years and a maximum of 15 years.

This article regulates crimes related to violence or threats of violence that force children to have intercourse with him or other people.

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