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Chronicle / Scandal in New York! Lilian Ruiz spoke out with her mena in the street

Lilian Ruiz spoke out in the street with her husband William Ojeda after a barbecue with friends.

The ex-model was seen enraged with her hairy leg. The Cuerona said it was all a misunderstanding and that there were people who persecuted her with the bad vibes.

Through the networks, a couple of videos were made viral where you can see the model Lilian Ruiz shouting with her husband, William Ojeda, through the streets of New York.

The footage shows how the ex-model chases her men down the street in the face of a person’s attempts to stop her from becoming older.

The discussion was recorded by a neighbor and was played.

Among the screams is heard: “You saved yourself from going to jail …” to which Li lian responds, “Moopio I’m going to go to jail if you saved yourself son of a pu …”.

Elsewhere, La Ruiz is also heard saying: “Go take care of your son who is crying.”

Consulted on the subject, the Cuerona told Chronicle that it was all a misunderstanding that originated in the middle of a barbecue between friends.

“We were in the middle of a barbecue. We were not out of drinks. We were fine until one of them made a misplaced comment and I reacted and William jumped in, but that’s where it all ended, ”said the former model.

The horn insisted that it was all a misunderstanding and rage of the moment. “They know I’m impulsive, but thank God everything is cleared up. And the one he filmed wasn’t even there. He left home. They called me to say that she is a chubby girl who lives next door. Anyway, everything Lilian does gets too big, precisely because I’m Lilian Ruiz, “said the former model.

He added that he knows “thousands of people there and here who not only argue, but since they are not important figures, they do not appear. It only remains in its environment ”.

The blonde said that the disclosure of the videos comes from the character Fredy Vera, alias el “Churero”, with whom she has had a rivalry for a long time.

“I already got used to being chased. Someone has been lowering my cane for a long time because we told him his truth that he distributes meals to needy children as for pigs. This character (for the ‘Churero’) asks people for money and the rest is kept in his pocket. From there he chases us. We will see how long it lasts. And just as I was telling you, it was an argument due to a misunderstanding that was finally cleared up, ”Lilian said.


“It is not worth going to face the one who filmed us. Imagine leaving my house again in this cold to go face a lifeless one. Obviously he didn’t have good intentions. He has nothing in his life to occupy himself with filming and shipping. With my husband we are fine, now we are going to the bank, ”said Lilian Ruiz. Remember that it is not the first time that the former model has been involved in a fight with her partner. Years ago it was known of a fight that even had physical aggressions involved and there was even talk of injuries with knives.

Navila Ibarra said that she won when she saw that Lilian Ruiz fainted in full trial.

Oparei the trial of Navila Ibarra

The lawyer Alfredo Delgado, Lilian Ruiz’s legal representative, reported that the trial that the blonde had with Navila Ibarra will be held. Years ago, Navila sued the former model for defamation.

At that time Lilian had allegedly said that Navila was a family breaker and that she messed with her bosses. The cause prescribed this week.

“It ended in nothingness because when the oral trial was held she passed out before the closing statement was made. After that I no longer had time because I entered my electoral campaign and later I was a mother.

It was there in the oparei because I felt like the winner at the moment that she fainted in front of the judge, ”Navila told Crónica.

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