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Chronicle of the war: what is happening in the hottest spots of Ukraine, which are attacked by Russia (photo, video)

Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine is now in its sixth day.

Russia on the night of February 24 attacked Ukraine and has been shelling the peaceful cities of our state for six days.

What is the situation in the hottest spots of Ukraine read in the material TSN.ua.

Kyiv and Kyiv region

After the end of the negotiations between the Ukrainian and Russian delegations, on which Kyiv set harsh conditions for Moscow (in particular, the complete withdrawal of troops from all the territory of Ukraine), on the evening of February 28, ballistic missiles were struck at the outskirts of Kyiv, informed in the Telegram channel Anton Gerashchenko.

The head of the city Vasilkov Natalya Balasinovich said that as a result of the rocket attacks that Russia inflicted late in the evening on February 28 on the hostel, two people died and three were injured.

Also Mayor of Brovary Igor Sapozhko on Facebook toldthat there was an air raid on the outskirts of the city, from which, according to him, six people were injured.

According to the KSCA, the night of March 1 in Kyiv and on the outskirts of the city passed quietly, there were several clashes between the fighters terrorist defenses with saboteurs. The city banned the sale of alcohol. Currently, public utilities are equipping protective structures at the entrances to Kyiv.

The city infrastructure works, electricity, heat and water are supplied. Hospitals work in an enhanced mode and are provided with everything necessary.

A humanitarian headquarters operates in Kyiv. He accumulates groceries and basic necessities. All those who are not indifferent are encouraged to join this work – they need to transport, help in packing and loading products.

“The city authorities urge the people of Kiev not to leave their homes and not to move around the city unnecessarily. Help loved ones, especially the elderly,” says in the message.

Also on March 1, it became known that the defenders of Ukraine near Kiev knocked out two occupant helicopters.


The second largest city in Ukraine, Kharkiv, which was subjected to massive shelling by Russian artillery on February 28, continues to be occupied by shelling on the morning of March 1 0 08.01.

On Maidan Svoboda, the Russians launched a terrible missile attack. At that moment, there were people on Freedom Square, cars were driving. After the devastating explosion of the invaders, everything around was shattered to smithereens.

The head of the Regional State Administration, Oleg Sinegubov, confirmed that in the morning, Russian troops attacked the central square of the city and the premises of the Kharkiv military administration. The Russian occupier continues to use heavy weapons and destroy the civilian population.

“The offensive resources of the enemy are running out. There is nothing left for him but to cunningly use air weapons. Victory will still be ours! Glory to Ukraine,” — wrote Sinegubov in the Telegram channel.

The State Emergency Service specified that the military of the Russian Federation got into the building of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, the Opera House, the Philharmonic Society and part of the housing estate. 4 – 5-storey residential buildings were destroyed.

Due to the shelling of the occupiers, rescuers cannot get to the bombardment site and search for people from under the rubble. The State Emergency Service asks Kharkiv residents not to leave shelters.

As a result of the Russian attack, Maidan Svoboda in Kharkiv is devastated; around broken windows, scattered cars and the wreckage of buildings. According to the State Emergency Service, as a result of the shelling of the building of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, 6 people were injured, including 1 child. The death toll is being specified.

There is also information that March 1 a powerful explosion also thundered near the bomb shelter in Kharkov.


Kherson completely or almost completely cordoned off by Russian troops, there is a lot of Russian equipment around, the invaders set up checkpoints there. There is already a checkpoint in the Shumen microdistrict of the city. Kherson residents block the roads as much as they can.

Tonight the army team of the Russian Federation fired at the village of Chernobaevki. Locals say that there are damaged houses. Problems with the supply of products to stores began on March 28. Water, light is. Utilities are working.

On the morning of March 1 in the suburbs of Kherson near Antonovsky bridge very dangerous, because the Russians are shooting at cars and taking people’s phones.

Several families were killed by snipers on a bridge near the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station.

“Residents of KhBK and Shumen microdistrict – please do not go outside in the near future! The battle continues!”— wrote First Deputy Chairman – Head of the Executive Office of the Regional Council in the Kherson Regional Council Yuriy Sobolevsky.

Donetsk region

As of the morning of March 1, the shelling of Mariupol and Volnovakha by the Russian invaders does not stop, heavy battles between the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Russian invaders continue. These cities are under the control of the Ukrainian military.

Zaporozhye region

For two days, February 27-28, Russian troops used ground attack aircraft and attacked the Zaporozhye airport. Strong explosions were heard in different parts of the city.

On the morning of March 1, in the region, the Ukrainian army continues to repel the offensive of the Russian occupation troops. How informs the head of the Zaporozhye region Oleksandr Starukh, the occupying troops are regrouping and preparing to continue the offensive in the direction of Melitopol, Zaporozhye, Berdyansk and Mariupol.

The night of March 1 in a strategically important Energodar the night passed quietly.

They did not announce an air raid alert at night (for the first time since the beginning of this war) and in Zaporozhyebut authorities are always called to the ready. The city is operating normally. Shelters are kept in good condition.

However, the Telegram channel of the Vasilyevsky community reports that at night the Russian military attacked the suburbs Васильевки. Yesterday, because of the shelling, two houses on Kakhovskaya Street burned down.

On the morning of March 1, the city was shelled. Residents are asked to stay in shelters.

Relatively Berdyanskwhere the night passed quietly. There is no electricity in a large part of the city due to problems at large stations. Experts are currently fixing the problem.

Berdyansk bakery works as usual. Bread sales points will operate in four districts of the city.

There are problems with Internet providers. Access to the TV tower is blocked by the invaders.

The city authorities reported the impossibility of making burials at the cemetery due to the deployment of the Russian military there.

Sumy region

In the Sumy region, the mayor of Akhtyrka Pavel Kuzmenko informedthat the city lives after shelling with “grads”, people rally, there is no panic, there is “cold anger at the enemy.” On the eve of the morning, the authorities also reported good news – the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed the positions of the enemy Grads. The police, together with the terrorist defense, detained 9 Russian soldiers.

Akhtyrka the day before, the invaders had been bombarded with vacuum bombs. At noon, one of these hit the oil depot, it caught fire.

In the morning, from 9 o’clock in Akhtyrka, shops were opened that will work for 2-3 hours and then close.

“Every tank on Ukrainian territory is under surveillance, and when Putin dies, all the military will be found – and very quickly. They will be punished,” Kuzmenko said.

Losses of Russians fighting against Ukraine:

According to the tentative data of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, from the morning of February 24 to 6:00 on February 28, the troops of the invading country of Russia suffered the following losses:

  • planes – 29
  • helicopters – 29
  • tanks – 191
  • armored combat vehicles – 816
  • guns – 74
  • SAM “Buk” – 1
  • “Grady” – 21
  • automotive equipment – 291
  • tanks – 60
  • BpLA OTR2 – 3
  • ships and boats – 2
  • Personnel approximately – 5300

What started the Russian military invasion of Ukraine:

How did the war between Russia and Ukraine begin?

Russia strikes civilians:

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