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Chronic Illness in Nikita Presnyakov: Doctors’ Efforts to Help and Treatment Options

Doctors are trying to help Nikita Presnyakov.

Despite his young age, the Diva’s grandson is already suffering from chronic illness. 32-year-old Nikita Presnyakov said that doctors discovered he had a dangerous illness that cannot be treated.

Polyps, benign tumors, were found in the musician’s gall bladder. According to the singer, they were formed due to his poor diet. For many years, Presnyakov could get by a day with only a hearty breakfast and rarely dinner. Because of this, cholesterol polyps grew in his gall bladder.

Doctors are wary of this diagnosis. It is believed that if there are more than three polyps, and they grow in size, this can lead to a precancerous condition.

The performer explained that it is impossible to cure such tumors, but doctors recommended that he stop their development. To do this, Presnyakov will have to adhere to a certain diet for the rest of his life. There is a more radical method – for example, completely cutting out the gallbladder. But for now the musician is refraining from it, because perhaps the operation will not save him.

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