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Christophe Le Dorven, back on the advent of a Drouais at the head of the Department of Eure-et-Loir

Thunderclap, this Thursday, July 1, above the hemicycle of Place Châtelet, in Chartres. Against the forecasts, the outgoing president of the Departmental Council of Eure-et-Loir, Claude Térouinard (Brou, Territories of Eure-et-Loir), 84 years old and candidate for his own succession, was dethroned by Christophe Le Dorven, departmental councilor of Dreux 1 (LR, Union pour les Euréliens).

At 43, Drouais Christophe Le Dorven surprised by taking the reins of the Departmental Assembly, in which he has sat since 2015.

Departmental elections: Christophe Le Dorven (LR) announces his candidacy in the canton of Dreux 1 but changes binomial

After throwing in the towel in the last municipal elections in Dreux, Gérard Hamel’s ex-cultural assistant hinted, in 2019, that he could retire from political life. But “after observing the local situation”, he wished to run for a new mandate in the Departmental Council.

“This candidacy for the post of president was decided when I chose to be a candidate again in the departmental elections. The campaign was full of commitment for me, strong in emotion too. I want to advance our department differently. “

Christophe Le Dorven (President (LR) of the Departmental Council of Eure-et-Loir)

The local authority, which no longer has any elected left since Sunday evening, is the scene of a fratricidal war between two camps of the right and the center right. This Thursday, July 1, the fight was won by the anti-Térouinard, who took their revenge on the 2017 election. After his defeat, Claude Térouinard comments:

“I respect the vote of my colleagues. It was played to a voice that changed sides. It is democracy. What bothers me the most is that we are witnessing a fight between two towns, Chartres and Dreux. I believe that rural life will pay the price for this fruitless fight. “

Claude Terouinard (departmental councilor of the canton of Brou, former president of the Eure-et-Loir departmental council)

Christophe Le Dorven intends to play “appeasement”:

“It’s not really a fight between the south and the north of the department, but maybe between two different visions. The one that is carried by a majority of us is a vision of unification and balance between all the territories. “

The new president has succeeded in rallying behind him former supporters of Claude Térouinard. Christophe Le Dorven notably opened the doors of his executive to Anne Bracco (Épernon) and Stéphane Lemoine (Auneau) who each obtained a vice-presidency.

Christophe Le Dorven is elected new president of the Departmental Council of Eure-et-Loir

“We have just agreed with the two thirds of voters who did not go to the polls. What a sad spectacle for the Euréliens ”, regrets Rémi Martial (LR, Chartres 3), president of the Territoires d’Eure-et-Loir group. “How to restore confidence in politics when elected officials betray and renege on their word, including that given again this morning? “

“The project is not that different”

Christophe Le Dorven seems to have sat down his majority during the vote of the members of the standing committee. Seventeen elected members, out of the thirty in the Departmental Council, placed themselves behind his name to sit on this commission. Opposite, twelve elected officials claimed to be on the Territoires d’Eure-et-Loir list, alongside Claude Térouinard.

Among the beneficiaries of this “third round” of the departmental, the mayor of Louillard, Bertrand Massot (NC), new departmental councilor of the canton of Lucé, has landed a post of 5th vice-president.

How Christophe Le Dorven, new president of the Departmental Council of Eure-et-Loir, managed to dethrone Claude Térouinard

“Tomorrow, what will your policy be? », Asks Franck Masselus. “I’m waiting for answers on a change because you ran against the outgoing president. “

Christophe Le Dorven recalled that he had never voted against the budget presented by the old majority. “There are points on which we have differences. We can discuss it. The project is not that different. It is undoubtedly the method which is. We want appeasement. “

Helene Bonnet

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