Home » News » Christophe Gravier (Télécom Saint-Etienne): “Give back to school what it has been able to bring me”

Christophe Gravier (Télécom Saint-Etienne): “Give back to school what it has been able to bring me”

This pure “regional product” as he likes to qualify, took office on May 5th. Christophe Gravier is not unknown within the public school of generalist digital engineers, since he held the position of director of development and innovation under the previous mandate of Jacques Fayolle.

The manager continued his post-baccalaureate studies in Grenoble where he prepared a DUT in computer science before joining Telecom for three years of study which he will complete with a research master’s degree at Insa, in Villeurbanne.

He then defended a thesis on the collaborative control of remote instruments at the end of his doctorate carried out at Jean-Monnet University. Contracted lecturer and research engineer, he became a statutory lecturer in 2011 and then obtained his authorization to supervise research. It was in 2017 that he was appointed Director of Development and Innovation by Jacques Fayolle.

“The presence of the school plays a role of social elevator”

In this capacity, he was in charge of relations with companies, international relations and relations with the world of research such as with the Carnot Institute, the Hubert-Curien laboratory or the Camille-Jordan Institute. C. Gravier was not initially destined to follow long studies. This is why he“wants to give back to the school what it has been able to bring me, in particular for the role of social elevator represented by the presence of an engineering school in a territory”.

He now intends to work on the development of “this public and common good that is the school“, orchestrate training that makes sense and meets the objectives of public policies. At the head of a school of 700 students and a teaching and administrative team of around 70 people, the new director of Télécom Saint-Etienne wish “find a balance between what has been done and is working, and new actions.”

Among its areas of development, the driving role that the school must have within Jean-Monnet University and the network of schools (it is affiliated with the Institut Mines-Télécom), and the renewal of post-graduate training engineering baccalaureate by developing integrated preparatory classes to maintain this head start which allows the school not to be too impacted by the drop in preparatory students.

A reflection will also be initiated around CSR. If this approach already exists within the establishment, it remains little known. It will be a question of accentuating this sensitivity within the trainings, by reflecting on how to embody it and integrate the criterion of the measurement of the carbon footprint with the other skills taught.

On the international side, C. Gravier wishes to develop partnerships with other schools and increase the collective mobility of students such as the arrival of foreign students by offering a course in English.

Finally, a reflection will be carried out on relations with companies in order to encourage more interaction and expand the work-study offer. Et “because it is important to have opportunities for employees who would like to get involved”the headteacher has created three new director positions within the executive committee.

Stephanie Veron

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