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Christmas weather: – White Christmas to all

– It actually looks quite bright for the whole of Norway, and there are very few who do not get a white Christmas this year, says meteorologist Charalampos Sarchosidis at the Meteorological Institute to Dagbladet.

He is sitting in Tromsø, where it is already good with white on the ground already.

– And there will be more, promises Sarchosidis.

From Møre og Romsdal, Trøndelag and north, he gives a white Christmas guarantee.

WHITE CHRISTMAS: There will also be a white Christmas in the capital this year. Photo: Lars Eivind Bones / Dagbladet
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Difficult driving conditions

On Christmas Eve, a northerly wind direction will bring snow refills from Central Norway and north.

Northern Norway will also be visited by a polar low pressure, which will give a lot of wind along the coast.

– The snow we get tomorrow will probably also bring some difficult driving conditions. Snow in combination with wind can make it quite challenging for those who go out and travel, warns Sarchosidis.

BRILLIANT: With this tip, you can easily wrap the difficult gifts. Video: Malin Ridder-Nielsen Janssen.
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Top up Østafjells

There has also been snow in Østafjells recently, and since the degree will stay below zero, the snow will remain. Refills are also expected the day before.

– Eastern Norway will also get a lot of snow on Christmas Eve, the meteorologist says.

Northern parts of the hinterland can also be refilled on Christmas Eve itself.

CHRISTMAS MOOD: In Storgata in Lillehammer, there has been a Christmas mood since November.  Here, too, snow is expected to be added on Christmas Eve.  Photo: Solveig Vikene / NTB

CHRISTMAS MOOD: In Storgata in Lillehammer, there has been a Christmas mood since November. Here, too, snow is expected to be added on Christmas Eve. Photo: Solveig Vikene / NTB
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No white Christmas in sight

But, the further west you are in the country, the less the chances of white on the ground on Christmas Eve. This mainly applies from all the way along the coast from Kristiansand to Stadt.

– There may be a white sprinkle there too, but not enough to get a white and idyllic landscape.

The westerners have the worst odds.

– For example, Bergen will get plus degrees on Christmas Eve. The temperature goes down in the evening, but then there are unfortunately no signs of precipitation. If something happens, it will come as a small splash of snow. But it will be sunny and nice weather, and it may be nice too, but when it comes to white Christmas, it unfortunately does not look promising.

NO WHITE CHRISTMAS: Bryggen in Bergen will probably go into Christmas completely snow-free this year.  Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB

NO WHITE CHRISTMAS: Bryggen in Bergen will probably go into Christmas completely snow-free this year. Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB
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Brrrr …

Christmas Eve will also be cold, mostly all over the country.

– It will be minus degrees on Christmas Eve over most of the country. There are not many places that get plus degrees.

And the temperatures will stay low through Christmas, with cloudless skies both day and night.

– It seems that Christmas in space will be quite cool, says the meteorologist.

In some places in the Inland, the degree can creep down to 18, while on the Finnmarksvidda it can be as high as 25 blue.

However, as we approach the New Year’s weekend, the weather forecast is more uncertain. In the west it will be milder and rainier, and in the north it will remain cold. But whether the minus degrees will remain in the rest of the country is uncertain.

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