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Christmas present from the Sardines Another ship for the invasion

The program takes shape strongly supported also by sardine with the aim of adding another ship flying the Italian flag in the Mediterranean to provide for the recovery of boats loaded with non-EU citizens off the coast of Libya and ferry them to the coasts of our country.

Not even the Covid health emergency and the consequent heavy period of economic crisis following the restrictions imposed by the government has stopped a race that began last July, when the project was announced during a press conference. Project baptized ResQ-People Saving People, presented by the ex-magistrate of Clean Hands Gherardo Colombo, honorary president of the association.

According to what was announced in advance, a concrete activity at sea should first be carried out: for the purpose, a 40-meter ship was thought of with a crew of 10 technical managers, 9 doctors and nurses, volunteer rescuers and journalists and photographers to document everything. Additional boats, two rubber dinghies, to approach the boats loaded with foreigners and bring them back on board the mother ship. The next phase is to celebrate and promote the activity of the association, financing interventions in schools and public meetings, with the declared purpose of “to create a more aware society, respectful of Human Rights and welcoming”, he told himself during the conference, as reported by FanPage.

Cost of the ship and financing of one year of activity estimated around 2.1 million euros, even if to start (setting up the boat and 3 months coverage), the organizers had deemed it “sufficient” to raise one million euros through crowfunding. The enthusiastic announcement was made by Mattia Santori and Giulia Trappoloni, two of the founders of sardines. “There are those who pack the door of Lampedusa, as well as those who set fire to the Moria camp in Lesbos, those who insult Carola Rackete, those who welcome the landings with outrage and those who sign the security decrees: it is no longer time to stay watching, indignation is not enough “, they had explained, as reported by Republic. “For this reason, after supporting Mediterranea fundraising, we will support a new adventure, because we do not want to get used to those who die in front of our shores. We hope to soon be able to celebrate the start of the ResQ missions, and we hope to soon be able to celebrate an increasingly numerous humanitarian fleet “.

That’s why she left today “Between saying and the sea: 8 hours to build a ship”, a real social marathon (0re 11-19) to continue raising the necessary funds, supported by the little fish on the page Facebook. “The Sardines for Christmas they expressed a wish: a new humanitarian ship in the Mediterranean! “, reads the caption next to the live broadcast.“More than a gift is a dream, help us make it come true, help us add a boat to the humanitarian fleet of civil society. See you from 11:00 with Mattia Santori, Giulia Trappoloni, Pif, Gad Lerner, Giulia Michelini, Saverio Tommasi, Modena City Ramblers, Frankie hi-nrg, Father Alex Zanotelli, Pietro Bartolo and many others … “. Among these “others”, to name a few, Laura Boldrini, Lella Costa and Giovanni Storti, the sailor Giovanni Soldini and Elio.

“On December 13, Santa Lucia, on the day of the winter festival of light we can try to reach that goal”, explained the president of the association Luciano Scalettari , as reported by FanPage. “Even 5, 10, 100 euros can be important to buy a life jacket, a change of linen for the castaways, help buy the rudder. Santa Lucia is also the feast of Light: let’s all light up hope”. In short, for Christmas the Sardines want to give us another ship to help the invasion of migrants.

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