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Christmas Miracle: Steam User Achieves Perfect Points Balance on Reddit

One of the Steam users had a question on Christmas Eve: How to earn just one measly little Steam point? He had 68,999 points and he wanted to score 69,000 because, you know, it’s a nice number and all. However, due to the way Steam points are awarded, there seemed to be no easy way to get that one measly point. But then a Christmas miracle happened.

On Christmas Eve, Reddit user CoffeeAndPistachios posted a screenshot of his current Steam points balance (Steam Point) which showed 68,999. They wondered if there was a way to achieve the “nice” number of 69,000. What followed were all sorts of comments and theories claiming that it was impossible, or laying out schemes involving buying the game at a special price and then spending the exact number of extra points to reach 69,000.

Then, on December 25th, a miracle happened! The same user reported that his Steam points balance had increased by a single point and he didn’t know why. After a bit of searching, it turns out that there was a “Steam support adjustment” that added one point, allowing CoffeeAndPistachios to reach 69,000. Nice.

Was it a lone Valve employee who, before leaving the building to celebrate, decided to give one user a small gift is anyone’s guess?

In the meantime, we can all take comfort in the fact that someone who needed one point got it. And people also say that the world is a bad place, devoid of kindness and love.

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