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Christmas in times of the corona pandemic

In times when we have to stick together at a distance, Prime Minister Malu Dreyer turns in her podcast format “Malu Dreyer direkt. News from the Prime Minister “Directly to the people of the Rhineland-Palatinate. The Prime Minister uses the format at a time when direct encounters with citizens are very limited. The podcast of the press office of the State Chancellery offers the digital possibility to reach the people in Rhineland-Palatinate from a distance and in all their life situations. The fifth episode is about Christmas in times of Corona, the Germany-wide shutdown and what gives the Prime Minister hope with a view to the new year.

As for many people, for the Prime Minister, the Christmas season is mainly about coping with the corona pandemic. In the podcast she informs about the strategy of the state government in dealing with the corona virus and which priorities are in the foreground. Above all, this includes protecting the elderly, accompanying children and young people through the crisis, maintaining jobs and securing the economy.

A return to normality could not be expected at the beginning of the year: “The virus is treacherous and forces us to drive close-up,” explains Prime Minister Malu Dreyer in the podcast. At the same time, the imminent start of vaccinations and the responsible behavior of the citizens offered cause for confidence and hope.

In addition, Prime Minister Malu Dreyer discusses how Christmas can take place despite the pandemic and why the contact restrictions are also so important over the holidays. And last but not least, she answers the question of how she personally celebrates Christmas and what she particularly likes on these days.

The podcast “Malu Dreyer direkt. News from the Prime Minister. ”Can be accessed on numerous platforms such as Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

Available from Friday afternoon at: https://www.rlp.de/de/regierung/videopodcast-aktuelles-von-der-ministerpraesidentin/

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5WF85nR3eIQj7Or1m4J5rS

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