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Christmas in the mountains? There are meteorological risks, know them before

Fernando llorente 8 min
Balea Lac ski resort, Romania, in winter and summer.
Always prudence in the mountains at any time of year, perhaps more so now, in winter. Balea Lac ski resort, Romania, in winter and summer.

Christmas dates are approaching in which, under normal conditions, many trips are made, being one of the main destinations the mountains and the ski resorts, where we can enjoy the white element together with our loved ones.

Everything points to what ehe change of time that has already begun will continue to affect the Peninsula during the next few days, with a lot of cloud cover and significant rainfall in many regions, which could be snow at high elevations, so snow depths may continue to increase, mainly in the northernmost mountains.

Variations with the height of the meteorological variables

If we want to enjoy these days in our mountains, we must take into account a series of circumstances typical of these areas that will help us avoid risky situations and so that a family trip can become an odyssey.

We have all noticed that when we go up a mountain pass the most common is that temperature drops with height, this variation is about 6.5 ºC for every 1000 meters of ascent, is what is called a vertical thermal gradient, a variation that will be somewhat less when the atmosphere has a lot of humidity. There are some occasions, when the weather is dominated by an anticyclone, that a “Thermal inversion”, that is, the temperature rises with the height.

Another of the meteorological variables that are influenced by altitude is the pressure, which we can consider that in the case of the Peninsula and its mountain systems, has a linear change, with a decrease of 1 hPa for every 8 meters of ascent.

Other factors to consider

The wind is also very important when preparing our visit to the mountains and minimize risks, since the normal thing is that intensify as we ascend from the plain, this is due to the decrease in air density and friction with the earth’s surface.

Extreme off-piste skiing and on steep slopes can be a big problem by causing avalanches of snow.
Extreme off-piste skiing and on steep slopes can be a big problem by causing avalanches of snow.

The solar radiationAlthough it is not a meteorological variable, it is another factor that we must take into account when carrying out activities in the mountains. In the high areas it is higher than in the plains Due to the greater transparency of the air at height, being drier and cleaner, and the presence of snowy coverage, greater reflectivity.

Weather risks in the mountains

For all the above, the importance of meteorology is clear when planning our excursion to a mountain area, this happens at all times, but, perhaps, more in winter, when the variations can be much more abrupt and pernicious. for us.

The main risks are low temperatures, strong winds, heavy snowfall, and heavy storms. Focusing on this time of year, the temperature can be the determining element in making the decision to go to the mountains or not, due to possible cold entrances and the risk of freezing that it entails.

In addition to its variation with height, the thermometric descent is much faster with the arrival of the sunset than in the valley. The thermal sensation is less since the force of the wind is usually greater and, in addition, the cold entrances reach the mountainous areas earlier than the plains. These causes can increase the risk of frostbite. in case of having a problem and not being well prepared when we find ourselves in the mountains.

The incidence of wind, in addition to its relationship with temperature, it is another very dangerous factor, because if we are in an area with recent snow, large amounts of the white element can be raised, producing dangerous blizzards from which you have to protect yourself, since the mountaineer becomes disoriented, when visibility is significantly reduced.

Snow avalanche, one of the biggest problems that we can find in the mountains.
Snow avalanche, one of the biggest problems that we can find in the mountains.

The time of year in which we find ourselves is when the most intense snowfall usually occurs, with the important risks that they entail, such as reduced visibility, the disappearance of traces or footprints and the most dangerous of all, snow avalanches due to sliding of the new mantle over the old one, when the new accumulated quantity does not allow time for it to stratify well and stabilize, causing its sliding and the formation of avalanches.

Recommendations in the mountains

At all times, but mainly in the coldest period of the year, from November to the end of March Prudence should be our rule when we go to high places. In addition to knowing perfectly the weather forecast, we must be warm, protecting the most delicate parts of the body that can lose the most heat, such as the head, hands and feet; of course without neglecting face and neck.

Warn to our acquaintances of the excursion that we are going to do, knowing the best possible route, the shelters in case the weather conditions undergo a sudden change, something to eat and a fully charged mobile phone and well protected from the cold.

And of course, respect as much as possible the rules of the ski resorts. In case of off-piste travel, we must know the warnings offered by the flags that indicate the risk of avalanches according to the European index, the yellow one for risk 1 and 2; the one with yellow and black squares for risk index 3 and 4 and the black one, when the risk is maximum, 5. Of course, we must avoid the most problematic areas, such as steep slopes or low parts of slopes, where a greater amount of snow could accumulate, carried by the avalanche.

Let us make sure that a mountain excursion is a pleasure and not a problem, since the risk is not only for us, but for the people who have to come to our aid in case of recklessness and mishap. And now, to enjoy the snow! Always safely.

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