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Christmas: hypothesis red zone from 24 December to 3 January. Tomorrow there will be a new summit at Palazzo Chigi – Politics

All of Italy in the red zone on public holidays and before holidays, from 24 December to 3 January. It is the prevailing mediation hypothesis in the government, at the end of a first summit. The decision has not been made: a new meeting is awaited. But the hypothesis is to have red zone rules on 24, 25, 26, 27, 31 December and 1, 2, 3 January. According to some sources, the discussion is still “completely open”, however, and it is not excluded that the red zone is also valid on January 6 or that “orange zone” rules are introduced for the entire period.

The summit at Palazzo Chigi between Giuseppe Conte and the heads of delegation of the majority on the Christmas squeeze has been postponed to tomorrow. Thanks to Teresa Bellanova’s unwillingness to attend a meeting late in the evening, the head of government opted to postpone the final point on the measures for the holidays to the next few hours. However, time is running out so much that government sources explain how, at this point, it is really difficult for the new rules to be defined before 24 hours.

Bellanova will go to Palazzo Chigi with the Iv delegation for the meeting with Conte in the context of government verification. Sources of IV have made it known that the meeting has been postponed from 9 to 18 tomorrow due to institutional commitments of the Prime Minister

“At the Ministry of Health we have proposed to opt for a strict measure that closely resembles the red zone,” said Undersecretary of Health Sandra Zampa (PD). The president of Veneto Luca Zaia has asked for a red zone up to the Befana, a position shared by the ministers Boccia and Speranza and by the representatives of Lazio, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Molise.

But there is an arm wrestling with those who want a soft line. In view of Christmas “the Government wants to inhibit even more movement and freedom of enterprise, I consider it inappropriate and I have told the Government”, says the president of Liguria Giovanni Toti in a direct fb after a confrontation with the government which will continue tomorrow. “Italy has set itself rules, establishing the yellow, orange and red risk zones. I believe that with that method we must continue. I think it is right to be cautious where the virus is doing great damage and if further closures are needed. But I think the principle of the zones is right, I say no to uniform rules, we must give breath to the citizens “.

“We are working to try to reinforce the Christmas plan. We must arrive in a condition of maximum resilience. The measures are working so far but we are worried – and even the experts – those situations of gatherings of recent days. We will do some additional intervention. “, says Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

“It would be nice – adds Conte – to have a single date in European countries, a sort of Vaccine Day. I hope it can be done in early January but to have an impact on the population it is necessary to reach” a sufficient percentage of vaccinated people, “10- 15 million, and we hope to have them in late spring “.

And then, about the gatherings for Christmas presents, he said: “I wouldn’t say it’s the citizens’ fault” if there have been gatherings, “the vast majority are respecting the rules. We started the cashback because that’s a reform of system “which has the goal” of payments more convenient, in safety and that allow us to recover the undeclared. And the shops are suffering. If we use cashback in an orderly way we give oxygen to a sector, if the result is the crowding on the streets is not what we had hoped for “.

Then there is the question of Recovery. “The regulation on the control room is not written, if someone thinks that it is made by friends of friends this will not happen with me. The EU asks us for a minimum of structure that can guarantee accurate monitoring, not the management of spending. As a last resort we must think of a safeguard clause “for” the objective of speed. Improvement proposals?

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