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Christian Dubé, Minister of Health, answers questions from delegates

Hosted by the President of the Order, Luc Mathieu, the meeting was held in hybrid mode and brought together more than 300 delegates from across Quebec. For more than an hour and a half, the Minister of Health answered, with transparency and humility, more than 200 questions formulated by the delegates, which had been grouped into eight categories:

  • Organization of care;
  • Network organization;
  • Contribution des IPS;
  • Home care and elder care;
  • Private agencies and the private sector;
  • Organization and management of the health network;
  • Digital transformation of the health network;
  • Scopes of practice and role of nurses.

Christian Dubé also reiterated his desire to work together with nurses to develop a bill adapted to the realities on the ground.

Meet the Alliance for the Future of Nursing

Following this meeting, the Minister of Health discussed with members of the Alliance for the Future of Nursing Care in Quebec, which brings together more than 25 associations and experts from various clinical fields and whose mission is to advancing nursing practice for the benefit of the population. The latter therefore took this opportunity to remind the Minister that it is essential to properly position the nursing care departments in the establishments and to legitimize them so that they have the necessary levers to make optimal use of nursing expertise. .

Other issues were also brought to Christian Dubé, namely the importance of offering clinical support to all nurses and not just the next generation, as well as the creation of new specialty classes (ICS) among others in oncology, mental health and geriatrics, as recommended in the Report of the Commissioners of the Estates General on the nursing profession.

The success of this meeting undeniably testifies to the determination and commitment of Quebec nurses to take part in the debates surrounding their profession.

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