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Christian Drosten on Corona: Virus could soon mutate

Cologne / Berlin –

It has become a constant companion in our everyday life: the mask. Since the end of April, it has been mandatory in NRW to cover your mouth and nose in public transport, supermarkets and closed rooms.

But many do this more badly than right, let the piece of fabric dangle somewhere under the nose, then stuff it into their pockets. For next use. A fatal mistake, as virologists now warn. Because the nose seems to be the number one target organ for the virus. The virus itself could also mutate to better adapt there. But what does that mean for us?

In the latest episode of the NDR podcast “Coronavirus Update”, virologist Christian Drosten talks about the fact that the scientists have focused on the nose. When it comes to the spread of SARS-CoV-2, it is of particular importance.

Therefore, in the ongoing corona pandemic, it could be a fatal mistake to only cover your mouth, but not everything else.

Christian Drosten on Corona: “Nose is a good target organ for the virus”

Drosten explained a recent study that shows that the virus reproduces particularly well in tissue samples taken from the nose. “The nose is apparently a very good target organ for the SARS-2 virus,” explains the scientist.

“Of course, letting the nose hang out of the mouth-nose protection is not good, you shouldn’t do that.” Regardless of whether the virus comes from the lungs, the throat or the nose, “it is not a good thing if that Nose is free. Because the mouth-nose protection should intercept everything you exhale. “

The air exhaled from the nose could play a huge role in transmitting the disease. “I think that when you exhale, a good amount of virus is excreted from the nose,” summarized the virus expert.

Virologist Hendrik Streeck: “Masks can become a breeding ground for bacteria”

Bonn’s virologist Hendrik Streeck is also skeptical about the incorrect use of masks. “People shove the masks into their pockets, hold them constantly and strap them over their mouths for two weeks, probably unwashed,” said Streeck of the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” (NOZ). “This is a wonderful breeding ground for bacteria and fungi.”

Read more here: Bonn’s top virologist Hendrik Streeck complains about incorrect use of masks and criticizes Lockdown in Germany

The World Health Organization (WHO) also warns that masks could increase the risk of infection. For example, if they were touched often or temporarily pulled down to the chin and then again over the mouth and nose. In addition, a false sense of security could cause the wearer to wash their hands less often or to keep their distance.

But the nose is not just a potential virus sling, it could also play an important role in future treatments. “It is worthwhile to consider inhalation therapy, maybe even vaccination later,” Drosten continued in the podcast.

Christian Drosten: Will there soon be nasal sprays as a remedy for corona?

A nasal spray would be conceivable. The substance could then act directly where the virus spreads. There was no detour via blood or intestines. “Pharmaceutical companies are currently working on rephrasing this,” says the scientist. This is an “actually promising” approach to medication.

Drosten on Corona: Virus could mutate and adapt better to people

In the future, SARS-CoV-2 could even mutate in order to reproduce and transmit itself even better in the nose, explains virologist Drosten a possible option. The mutation could adapt better to humans. This is also shown by a study by the University of Oxford, which examined the development of various corona populations.

“This adjustment can lead to it being transferred better, but staying in the nose and becoming a simple cold,” said Drosten.

Virus could become more harmless in the future

This is an advantage due to evolution, because if symptoms are severe, people will isolate themselves earlier and infect fewer people. The alternative could also be that the coronavirus mutates into a more severe course of the disease. This would be a disadvantage for the virus, which wants to spread as much as possible.

“This is why virus epidemics generally weaken,” says Drosten. There are many different examples of this from the past. The same could happen with SARS-CoV-2.

Should this happen, it would be a glimmer of hope. Many things would change for us. “How we turn it around, the virus will definitely become harmless,” said the virologist. (mg)

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