Home » today » Business » ChristenUnie now really wants to have the corona pass out of the law

ChristenUnie now really wants to have the corona pass out of the law

The possibility to make a corona admission ticket mandatory again when visiting certain venues must be removed from the law. That is the view of the governing party ChristenUnie.

“Keeping a corona ticket in the toolbox just in case is not proportional for my group at the moment,” said MP Mirjam Bikker tonight in a debate about the extension of the law.

The use of the corona admission ticket is regulated in a temporary law, which has already been extended five times. Such an extension is only submitted to the House afterwards. Tonight the extension from March 1 to June 1 was discussed, but the cabinet has already announced a sixth extension, in which the possibility of a corona pass is also kept open.

“The corona ticket now does not contribute to the protection of the health and safety of the vulnerable,” Bikker said. That is why the ChristenUnie wants the pass to be deleted with the next extension of the temporary law, or in a new law.


Bikker pointed out that no such proof is required anywhere in the Netherlands at the moment, and that this has no harmful consequences. According to her, this has to do with the less pathogenic omikron variant and the vaccination rate. You should only consider the measure if a new, much more dangerous variant is introduced. However, proportionality must also be considered.

“The ChristenUnie also thinks that a curtailment of fundamental rights should be weighed heavily in the legislation,” said Bikker. If she sticks to her position, there is a good chance that there will no longer be a majority in the House of Representatives for the corona admission ticket. The measure has been controversial from the start, because according to many parties it is not effective and, moreover, it would promote dichotomy in society.

It is also questionable in the Senate whether the cabinet can find a majority.

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