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Chris Evans Jokes About Captain America’s Death, Angry Fans

Will we have to say goodbye to Captain America in Avengers 4 ? For many months, Marvel fans have been asking the legitimate question, since the film will end the cycle of The Infinity Saga, started in 2008 with Iron Man.

A few weeks before the release of the most anticipated Marvel film of this decade, Chris Evans, who has already seen Avengers 4, allows himself a joke about the fate of his character. Interviewed by the American media The Hollywood Reporter, Chris Evans explains: “This one [le film] is really good. I choked three times [pendant la projection”. 

Le journaliste lui demande alors s’il s’est étouffé parce que Captain America meurt dans le film. “C’est cela. C’est dur de regarder sa propre mort. Ce sera un long film, c’est sûr [il dure 3h02 min]. And my funeral lasts an hour”, continues the actor “laughing”, as specified THR.

Fans don’t want to laugh about it

The Chris Evans joke didn’t go down well with Marvel fans at all. On Twitter, we can thus read the indignant reactions of some and some internet users. “Chris Evans, you really have the nerve to joke about Steve’s death ? Is everything just a joke for you?” asks a fan of the House of Ideas. Another specifies: “Chris Evans is not allowed to joke about Steve’s death, only the fan community can do that.”

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