Home » today » Health » Choquehuanca says he does not get vaccinated immediately because he wants to have a glass of tequila on the weekend

Choquehuanca says he does not get vaccinated immediately because he wants to have a glass of tequila on the weekend

Vice President David Choquehuanca affirmed this Thursday that he will not immediately be vaccinated against Covid-19 because wants to enjoy good food and a glass of tequila this weekend, for the holidays for New Years.

Amid the controversy surrounding his immunization, the president maintains that one should take care of oneself three to five days after receiving a dose, which is why you prefer to wait a bit.

“These days I want to enjoy good food, I want to have a glass of tequila (laughs) this weekend, but you just have to take care of yourself; When you get vaccinated you don’t have to bathe, you can’t eat pork, dairy, fish, you can’t drink; when you get vaccinated you have to take responsibility, at least take care of yourself three days, five days better, “he said.

The second national authority, which revealed that he contracted the coronavirus more than twice and that he was treated with traditional medicine, ensures that it has no preference over any of the injectables used in the country and he regrets that there is so much speculation about his health.

His statements:

“The vaccine that touches me, I have no preferences, I am going to talk to our authorities that administer health, what will they recommend, but I am going to get vaccinated (…) Speculation, nothing prevents me from getting vaccinated, I have acquired natural immunity and many people have acquired natural immunity, if we all acquire immunity we will overcome the coronavirus, I do not know where this virus comes from, but it is already among us “, he remarked.

Choquehuanca revealed that he ate “even grass” when he fell ill with coronavirus, pointing out that the first time he was afraid, in a second time he already knew how to act and later he did not find out whether or not he was infected.

“There is too much speculation in some cases, there is a lot of mystery in developed and underdeveloped countries, researchers, doctors, there is a lot of mystery, but there are people who want to play with the sentiment of our population and the Government always draws standards thinking of the Bolivian population” , detailed about the provision that establishes the vaccination card as a mandatory requirement from January 1.

He recognized that anticovid vaccines help prevent deaths in the world, with “artificial immunity”, although defended the use of medicinal plants and other knowledge of ancient medicine, to achieve a “natural immunity.

He ate grass to heal himself:

Assessment and projections for 2022

Regarding the conclusion of the management, Choquehuanca, in contact with radio Fides, pointed out that this year was one of “recovery” in all areas. “It has been a year of recovery of the economy, of stability, of going back to work, of hope with hopeIt has been a positive year for me, we have been able to manage the coronavirus, there is certainty, there is no fear, little by little we are rebuilding, because we have received a disaster from the Government, ”he explained.

Regarding the mistakes that could be made, the vice president admitted that more spaces for dialogue are necessary “for Bolivians to reach an agreement, because if we keep fighting, we are going to stagnate, we are not going to advanceThat is one of the limitations that we must work on, the issue of justice, we must be more aggressive, but we must not see it from a negative point of view, but rather an optimist one ”.

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