Jakarta – The kitchen is the part of the house where you cook and store food. In the kitchen, there is usually a table that has various functions, from placing kitchen utensils, cutting food ingredients, to grinding spices.
The kitchen table must be made of the right material so that it can function optimally. Therefore, choosing the right material for kitchen countertops can sometimes be a difficult decision.
There are two kitchen countertop materials that are generally used, namely granite and quartz. Between these two materials, which one is suitable for your kitchen table?
Launching Real Simple, Monday (23/10/2023), here are several things you can consider when choosing between granite or quartz as kitchen countertop material.
Understanding Granite and Quartz
Granite and quartz are two materials often considered for kitchen countertops, but they have fundamental differences in composition and characteristics.
Granite kitchen table Photo: (Photo: iStock/Thomas Bullock)
Granite is a natural stone that comes from mining directly from the earth. The advantages of granite are durability, heat resistance, and availability in various colors. Each granite slab has a unique design so that each kitchen table will have its own characteristics.
Quartz kitchen countertop (Photo: iStock/hikesterson)
Meanwhile, quartz is a man-made material made from quartz crystals mixed with resin and additional ingredients. This manufacturing process gives quartz certain advantages, such as a color that resembles marble, but with easier maintenance. Quartz also does not require special care because it is non-porous.
Durability and Care
Both granite and quartz have high resistance to scratches, heat, stains and daily use. The choice between the two often comes down to personal preference and the characteristics that are most important to the homeowner.
Granite Care
Granite is a porous material so it needs to be resurfaced every year or so. This will help prevent stains, but it’s still best to clean up any spills as quickly as possible. Daily maintenance can be done by wiping the surface with a mixture of water and laundry soap.
Quartz Treatment
Unlike granite, quartz does not require re-coating because it is non-porous. This makes it a low maintenance option. However, keep in mind that quartz contains resin which can fade due to UV light so it is not suitable for outdoor use. Some manufacturers add antibacterial ingredients to quartz to inhibit bacterial growth.
Cost and How to Choose
Costs for granite and quartz can vary depending on various factors, such as manufacturer, color, texture, and availability. Another factor that influences cost is the fabrication process.
There are some suppliers who carry out the fabrication and installation process themselves, while others do not. For users on a budget, there is the option of using leftover materials for small areas, such as bathroom sinks. This can save costs.
When it comes to choosing between granite and quartz, you have to consider your lifestyle and personal preferences. If your priority lies in uniqueness and natural beauty, granite may be the right choice. However, if you want a low-maintenance kitchen countertop, quartz is a good solution.
Apart from that, you also need to pay attention to the value provided by the kitchen table. A kitchen table is an investment that will increase the aesthetic appeal and practicality of the kitchen. Choose materials that suit your needs and suit the conditions of your kitchen.
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2023-10-23 12:21:13
#Granite #Quartz #Kitchen #Tables #Considerations