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Choose two numbers from the following that add up to 15,000

Choose two numbers from the following, their sum is estimated at 15,000. Arabic numerals were discovered by the famous mathematician Al-Khwarizmi. They are very important in mathematics. Numbers are scattered around us so that we can see them in almost any direction we look. Our lives are numbers that are counted day after day. Day, so numbers are considered symbols to represent numbers, just as we consider the symbols of letters to represent words to convey the meaning of what is required,and will be explained in detail and well understood by subject.

The history of numbers and their value

Al-Khwarizmi’s discovery of Arabic numerals began in ancient times and they were used in the Abbasid era until they started mixing and intermingling between the ancient Arab and Indian civilizations, and they used the numbering system in each of the calculations, writing thus a symbol or by linking together a group of them was a representation of numbers as a value of weight and importance, and the value of numbers is that each digit]in decimal corresponds to an integer, but in hexadecimal, for example, the letter A represents the value 10.

Choose two numbers from the following that add up to 15,000

Mathematics teachers believe that thinking about solving a question and guessing is one of the best skills a person acquires in the educational stage, because it helps him to reach the required value, even if it is an approximation of it. Their total is estimated at 15,000.

Define arithmetic operations

Mathematics and computer programming are concerned with the use of special rules to indicate which arithmetic operations a mathematical law or proposition should perform, such that multiplication before addition and division before subtraction always have the highest priority in its execution compared to other operations.

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