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choose the right type of wood

Hard hardwoods burn slowly and provide enveloping warmth. Oak, beech, elm, birch, ash, hornbeam and walnut are among the most popular wood species for home heating.

Trees such as chestnut, black locust and plane tree tend to burst during combustion. It is better to use them in a closed home.

Soft hardwoods like poplar or willow tend, like conifers, to burn too quickly. This is the reason why they are generally used as a fire starter.

In general, reclaimed wood (pallets, crates, old furniture, etc.) covered with paint or varnish should be prohibited. They struggle to burn and release toxic substances. This advice applies to damp woods which, when burned, produce condensation and tars which clog the flue pipes. A very dry wood can be recognized by its light and cracked appearance; its bark is easily detached. If in doubt, just tap two logs together: if a dull noise is heard, the wood is still damp.

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