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Choose the best renovation project of the year – between the candidates and the Suvalkija apartment building

Choose the best renovation project of the year – between the candidates and the Suvalkija apartment building

Elections for the “Renovation Project of the Year” begin, during which Lithuanian residents will have the opportunity to get to know the best candidates no earlier than 2022. renovated apartment buildings in the country and cast your vote for one of them. One of such extremely successful projects was in Kybartais, Naujamieścio st. 13, modernized residential building.

Apartment renovation in Lithuania. Photo from APVA archive

“We see that specific examples of residents inspire others, so the “Renovation Project of the Year” competition is a great opportunity to introduce the public to the best examples, at the same time to see what the public prioritizes, so that we can best respond to people’s needs when making decisions in the future,” says Environmental Project Management Gintarė Burbienė, head of the building energy efficiency department of the agency (APVA).

After last year’s energy crisis, it was very clearly understood that heat saving is an extremely important criterion for a quality building. Equally important is the fact that households that use less energy produce less pollution and thus contribute to curbing climate change. In addition, it is worth noting that modernizing your home increases its value and solves other problems. For this reason, with the increase of good examples, residents are increasingly interested in renovation and state support. APVA reminds that two calls for applications for the renovation of the apartment building are currently still valid.

“Although energy prices were significantly higher this winter, the stories of residents of apartment buildings participating in the competition show that their consumption and heating bills still remain lower than before the renovation, when heating prices were significantly lower. We also have quite a few examples where apartment buildings have already reached their limit and needed major repairs, in some places the emergency services were called almost every month due to broken pipes. Therefore, the renovation solved many problems”, says G. Burbienė.

Each building is unique

Residents can familiarize themselves with the projects participating in the elections from April 7. On the Facebook account “APVA multi-apartment modernization” and on the news portal, where April 21-27 open voting will also take place.

“Each of the apartment buildings participating in the elections deserved this nomination in its own way. We also try to show a wide range of possible renovation measures, which are adapted to the needs of the residents of each apartment building. Every story is unique and interesting, we want to show as wide a picture as possible, not only big cities, but also smaller cities”, says G. Burbienė.

What is important to pay attention to?

APVA’s Building Energy Conservation Department encourages you to take a look at all the stories, to evaluate not only the aesthetics of the building, but also the benefits received by the residents of the renovated house.

“Modernization has many advantages, it is not only an aesthetic facade or the lowest heating bills. We encourage you to evaluate all criteria, such as energy efficiency, installation of renewable energy sources, environmental friendliness, communality and the general image of the street, district or even the city. These criteria contribute to the long-term well-being of the population and the country, strengthening the competitiveness of the economy and the fulfillment of the country’s obligations to reduce climate change,” says G. Burbienė, adding that although renovation is extremely important at the state level, its benefits are felt most by the residents, so it is important not to forget take care of the renovation of your apartment building.

During the competition, the three projects with the most readers’ votes will be selected, and they will be presented with awards established by APVA. The winners will be announced on April 28.

The author of the article is Kotryna Grušauskaitė

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