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Cholesterol Level Limits for Adults and Children Are Different, Here’s the Guide!

Suara.com – Until cholesterol High levels can lead to several health problems, such as blockage of blood vessels that can cause strokes and heart problems.

However, a healthy diet and regular exercise can help reduce as much cholesterol which is too high. In addition, taking medications that have been prescribed by a doctor may also help lower the body’s cholesterol levels.

You need to understand that high cholesterol can be caused by lifestyle factors, such as consumption of fatty foods and lack of exercise.

Being overweight, drinking alcohol and smoking can also cause high cholesterol.

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In some cases, high cholesterol can also be inherited genetically. You can do a cholesterol test to determine your body’s cholesterol levels, which usually detect levels of good cholesterol (HDL), bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides, which are fatty substances similar to bad cholesterol.

HDL cholesterol helps clear cholesterol from the arteries. Meanwhile, LDL cholesterol can cause blockages in the arteries.

Because high cholesterol usually has no symptoms, all adults should have it checked regularly.

Cholesterol illustration (Shutterstock)

Reported from ExpressOne important thing that must be understood is that the cholesterol levels that should be at each age stage are different. In fact, most adults do not have distinct cholesterol levels.

However, a person’s cholesterol levels can vary greatly, because it is influenced by other factors such as health conditions. Therefore, consulting a doctor can help find out the cause of too high cholesterol levels.

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However, understand that the guidelines for cholesterol levels in children and adults are certainly very different. According to Journal of American College of Cardiology, Cholesterol level guidelines for children are as follows (in mg/dL):

Healthy cholesterol levels

  1. Total cholesterol = 170 or less
  2. HDL cholesterol = more than 45
  3. LDL cholesterol = less than 110
  4. Triglycerides = less than 75 in children aged 0-9 years, less than 90 in children aged 10-19 years

Cholesterol levels at the threshold

  1. Total cholesterol = 170 – 199
  2. HDL cholesterol = 40=45
  3. LDL cholesterol = 110-129
  4. Triglycerides = 75-99 in children aged 0.9 years, 90-129 in children aged 10-19 years.

Cholesterol levels are considered to be high

  1. Total cholesterol = 200 or higher
  2. Colesterol HDL = t / a
  3. LDL cholesterol = 130 or higher
  4. Triglycerides = 100 or more in children aged 0-9 years, 130 or more in children aged 10-19 years

Cholesterol levels are considered low

  1. Kolesterol total = t/a
  2. HDL cholesterol = less than 40
  3. Colesterol LDL = t / a
  4. Triglyceride = n / a

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