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Chlorine dioxide: panacea, harmless substance or poison?

The effects of chlorine dioxide are a reason for discussion. For some doctors, this is an effective therapy against diseases like covid-19. Other physicians refute it.

Fabricio González, a medical researcher, internist and specialist in medical genetics, affirms that there is no evidence that shows that chlorine dioxide works to cure covid-19 or another disease. Specifies that the compound causes the oxygen decrease in blood.

Without oxygen, Red blood cells die prematurely, causing a hemolytic anemia. This would affect organs like the lungs; arrhythmias would occur in the heart; it would lower blood pressure; there would be dehydration; liver cells would be damaged, causing liver failure.

Similarly, ingested chlorine would cause gastrointestinal damage, which would be expressed with threw up and diarrheasays the expert. For him, if someone tries to take chlorine dioxide little by little and in a spaced way to supposedly avoid harmful effects, it would only cause chronic intoxication.

Potentially explosive drugs or drugs with dangerous doses are also used in medicine

For the surgeon Edgardo Ruiz, graduated from the Central University of Ecuador and specialized in acupuncture and homeopathyHigh doses of chlorine dioxide are toxic, such as those used to bleach paper or fabric.

Ruiz states that, instead, the medicine containing chlorine dioxide is prescribed in very dilute doses; He compares it to mineral water. Ruiz cites the example of nitroglycerin, a substance that is used as a powerful explosive, but is also prescribed by cardiologists to treat diseases from the heart.

“The explosive is not the medicine, even if they have the same substance,” says Ruiz. He doctor He details that he prepares chlorine dioxide following a protocol with reagents and water.

For his part, the doctor Alberto Granja, specialized in homeopathy in Argentina, considers that criticism of chlorine dioxide comes from ignorance. He has not treated patients with chlorine dioxide, but warns that even the safest medications are harmful if certain doses are exceeded. He stresses that this is why it is important for a medical professional to prescribe them. He homeopath regrets that, taking advantage of the pandemic, people have appeared who are not even doctors and advise substances without the power to do so.

Is chlorine dioxide a homeopathic medicine?

And homeopathic doctor Gustavo Andrade Galindo, also graduated from the Central University of Ecuador, explains that a dilution of chlorine dioxide could be medicinal, but it is not a homeopathic dose, since in homeopathy it is spun finer. In this type of medicine there is no molecule, but only the information of the substance.

Andrade says that gold is used to make a homeopathic medicine. This is subjected to a dilution where the presence of physical or chemical gold is lost. Specifies that this does not apply to chlorine dioxide, as it is not a homeopathic medicine.

“Diluting a substance in a liter of water is not making a medicine homeopathic ”, Andrade specifies. However, he claims to have used chlorine dioxide since before the pandemic and to have obtained very good results in patients with chronic diseases.

Chlorine dioxide could not be considered a viricide

Andrade also disagrees that the dioxide dilute chlorine is a viricide that kills the new coronavirus. He says that with his patients he has not had positive results with chlorine dioxide against covid-19. For him, chlorine dioxide allows the cells to oxygenate, changes the pH, improves electrical conduction and, therefore, makes the body modulate its immune system, but not so effectively against it. covid-19.

For Ruiz, the chlorine dioxide that he prescribes is not a disinfectant nor does it intend to kill viruses in the process; it is an activator of the immunity of the organism. “It works by stimulating the thymus, which is an organ that is behind the sternum and that has a connection with all the lymph nodes, with the spleen and tonsils. Thus the body recognizes not only the SARS-CoV-2 but to different kinds of viruses. He adds that chlorine dioxide has been used since the 90s of the last century as a disinfectant for the covers in which the blood plasma is then placed. For him, it is incomprehensible that all that information.

For Andrade, the chlorine dioxide It may sit well with certain people, but there is no point in prescribing it in bulk or selling it on the market. The homeopathic doctor reports that he has had many patients with covid-19. He claims that he has not been able to improve them with dilute chlorine dioxide but with homeopathy.

Misleading advertising or lack of thorough investigation?

Enrique Terán, pharmacologist, researcher and professor at the San Francisco University of Quito, expresses that chlorine dioxide has no therapeutic value against SARS-CoV-2 virus and that it would increase the risk of toxicity.

Terán alerts that there is a abysmal difference among the in vitro results of those that can be had with a substance. He points out that any product that offers to improve the immune system, increase defenses and prevent infections, makes misleading advertising, since the immunity It is only enhanced with good nutrition, physical activity and low stress level.

For his part, Ruiz states that in the last three months he has treated a hundred patients, half of them diagnosed with covid-19 and has followed its evolution with immunoglobulin and protein C reactive. He affirms that he has prescribed chlorine dioxide: for prevention, to asymptomatic patients, to others in the first stages of the pathology and also to more serious patients with covid-19 who have been close to entering intensive care. For the doctor, those who speak against chlorine dioxide have never done a clinical test with it, nor a ‘screening’ for toxicity.

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