Home » today » World » Chino Leunis’ reaction to the question of whether Charlotte Caniggia would participate – PEOPLE Online

Chino Leunis’ reaction to the question of whether Charlotte Caniggia would participate – PEOPLE Online

The famous hotel She was one of the big names of the year and consecrated Alex Caniggia as the great champion. The format has satisfied the audience and in the coming months the second season will be broadcast.

The Chinese leuni y pampita They will be pilots again and the celebrity list is already closed, although all the names have not yet been confirmed. One of the celebrities who plays is Charlotte Caniggia and the driver has anticipated what will happen to her.

“Basically, we’ve already closed the list of celebrities to come. They will find out, some names are already spinning. Some are anyone and others not so much “, the Chinese assured intruders.

In this sense, the driver was consulted if Charlotte finally organized her participation: “Can be”He answered and did not close the door.

Regarding the reality show, Chino announced that there will be changes: “There will be some changes in the regulations to avoid things that have already happened and also what we want is for the participants not to know everything as they will because they have seen the first. So, there will be some changes that will generate some instability and that’s good because that’s what reality is about. “He added.

Regarding the direct competition that will take place with Big Brother, a great bet by Telefe, the pilot celebrated the news: “It seems to me that having two realities raises the bar for all of us. This forces us to think and be creative to make an even better second version. I trust it will be like this “.

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