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Chino Leunis’ moving video: “My older brother returned to Argentina after 23 years and nobody knew anything”

Chino Leunis’ touching video: “My older brother returned to Argentina after 23 years and nobody knew anything” (Video: Instagram/ Chinoleunis)

The departure of loved ones who, for various reasons, leave the country to settle in another usually leave deep marks on families. And reunions are always exciting. In that sense, the Chinese Leunis moved his followers with one of those moments. In the last few hours, the host of Not very correct (El Trece) showed how his older brother, Leonardowho had been out of Argentina for more than two decades, burst into a family gathering, filling everyone present with surprise and tears.

My older brother returned to Argentina, after 23 years, and nobody knew”, he said. The emotional moment was recorded in the video, which heads this note. “I have two pieces of news. Our dear brother Germán kept the truck and he will not arrive until after midnight,” began announcing “El Chino” in the living room of his house, a “reasonable lie” which, he later said, he gave to his parents before introducing the most unexpected visitor.

“He won’t make it, but we managed to bring in a replacement who I hope will be up to the task.”he commented. At that moment Leonardo entered, dancing and smiling, while The driver’s parents went from surprise to tears without stoppingThe hug between her mother and two of her six children captured the happiness of this long-awaited reunion and the melancholy accumulated after so many years without seeing each other.

“Simply grateful. My brother came back and we couldn’t stop hugging him. No image can capture what we feel at this moment, but I share this beautiful meeting with you,” said the host, about what they experienced upon Leonardo’s return, who left the country in 2001, lives in Iowa, is a singer and entrepreneur.

Leonardo, Chino Leunis’ older brother, lives in Iowa, United States, is a singer and entrepreneur

In a interview he gave to TeleshowLeunis delved into the strong history that his nuclear family has. “We lost a sister,” revealed the host in 2022, who is the fifth of Leonardo’s (79) and María Cristina’s (75) children. “Her name was Analía and she passed away the same day she was born due to malpracticeIt is difficult to imagine the pain my parents must have felt. Going to the hospital to give birth and returning home without your baby… It was so hard. There must be no bigger blow in life or greater fear, at least for me. Then one can understand everything that happened afterwards. That indelible mark. That which is not digested and will never be digested,” she explained.

Analía was the first daughter after two boys, Leonardo (55), Germán (chef, 53), Sebastián (landscaper and creative, 46), him and Nahuel (magician and event host, 37). “That fact was shaping me, designing the way of connecting with women. I feel comfortable, a certain ease in generating a bond of trust with them and establishing the complicity that I would have today with that sister three years older than me,” he explained. “Because I think that throughout my life I was always looking for a sister,” he said.

Chino Leunis (44) with his parents, Leonardo (79) and María Cristina (75) and three of his brothers, Sebastián (46), Nahuel (37) and Germán (53)

Leunis refers to Ana (48), calling her “my sister of the heart” without ceasing to emphasize the paradox that the similarity of the name with Analía means to her. They met in 2008, when she and her husband (Pochi) were neighbors in the PH that he shared with Karin Rodríguez (42), his ex-wife. The coincidence turned them into close friends and time, into “life partners,” he defines. “She also carried a story that is very engaging, because she is the daughter of missing people. And I feel that we were both able to amalgamate in a very loving way. We adopted each other,” he said.

“I understood that being empathetic and loving is the shortest path to happiness for me,” he reflected. “When sadness gets stuck, the help of a professional is very important, but love is essential. That’s how we get through it, with support, patience and temperance,” said Chino, who is the father of Delfina (14), the fruit of his first marriage, and formed a blended family with María Magdalena Martínez Picabea, whom he married for the second time, and with her four children.

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