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Chinese president blesses the new year 2021, raising the principles of world unity to prevent COVID Is the way of salvation of humanity.

Thursday December 31, 2020, 7.14 PM.

In the evening of December 31, 2020, Chinese President Xi Jinping Happy New Year 2021 via Central China Radio and Television (CMG) and website with the following content:

Hello friends, friends, ladies and gentlemen.

2021 is coming, I wish everyone a new year in Beijing.

2020 was an extraordinary year. In the face of COVID-19 outbreak That happened suddenly We hold the people as the most important thing. Life is the most important thing We are united in our work and determination in the fight against COVID-19. While working together to eliminate hardships, our staff are courageous to travel to high-risk areas to take care of the people. Have a commitment to perform their duties unbearably Have a responsibility to share the suffering with the people And also sacrificed their lives to take care of and help people Which creates a great appreciation for people all over the country

From medical staff to the people’s soldiers From science and technology staff to community workers From volunteers to creative initiatives, from seniors to teenagers born after 1990 and 2000, thousands of people carry out their mission of life and protect their lives with love. Each person’s strength combined into a great power. Like a strong barrier to life Those who did not fearful flee. For noble virtues Every concerted effort and every grateful story reflect the great determination in fighting COVID-19.

Greatness comes from the ordinary. All of the heroes come from the general public, in the conclusion that everyone is truly extraordinary. I encourage people with COVID-19. Best regards to the heroes from the general public. I have great pride in my fatherland and people. We pride ourselves on the spirit of the Chinese nation that strives to develop without discontinuation.

Courage and strength will be revealed in the face of adversity. The value of jade will therefore be expressed after being trained. We eliminate the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak. Achieving significant success in defensive co-ordination Controlling COVID-19 Now the implementation of the 13th Five-Year Economic and Social Development Plan has ended successfully. The 14th Five-Year Economic and Social Development Plan sets out guidelines for future development. We are accelerating the creation of new development models. Go deep into high-quality development China is the first economic zone of all economies worldwide to achieve positive economic growth, with China’s gross domestic product expected by 2020 to be more than 100 trillion yuan. Consecutive 17 years of scientific and technological exploration such as the Mars rover “Tianwan-1”, “Chang’e-5” spacecraft and “Fen Douze” submarine were all successful. The creation of the Hainan Free Trade Port was active and we were also successful in cope with the severe flooding. Massive soldiers and citizens are not afraid of hardships and dangers. Join forces in flood response and rescue efforts Try to minimize the damage. While visiting 13 counties, I am delighted to see people take serious action against COVID-19 and accelerate production recovery. Including giving full effort to create innovation People across the country are encouraged and strong. Every area across China depicts a lively and lively scene where people work against time.

2020: The creation of a well-rounded enough-to-eat society is a historic achievement. The eradication of poverty is a total victory. We work hard to tackle extreme poverty. Until the most difficult mission was finally successful. Through eight years of effort, 100 million rural people are out of poverty by the established standards, 832 districts have been removed from the poverty list. Over the years I have visited 14 extremely poor areas across the country. I saw with my eyes that the villagers in the area tried to work without giving up. Staff on missions to help the poor are fully committed to their mission. We must be committed and determined to carry out this mission. Try to work hard To create prosperity in the rural areas and head towards the goal of mutual prosperity.

This year, China held a 40-year celebration of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and a 30-year celebration of the Pudong Development of Shanghai while attending the event and witnessing the shoreline Shenzhen. The South China Sea is full of life in the spring. And the Pudong area on the banks of the Huangpu River that is diverse I have a lot of thoughts on how Shenzhen has evolved from the pilot demonstration zone to a model for experiments. Pudong has evolved from exploring innovation to guide innovation.
In the past, China’s reform and opening up was a miracle of development. In the future, China will continue to delve into more bold reform and openness in order to create even more Spring Tales.

The principle is generally accepted. Under Heaven is one family. After the heat and cold for the past one year. I am more aware of the meaning of a community with a shared future of mankind. In the past year I spoke on the phone with my international friends, new and old. Including attending a teleconference several times The most discussed subject is cooperation and solidarity to prevent and control COVID-19. Prevention and control of COVID-19 It’s a hard task that goes on for a long time. People of different countries should join together and join together in suffering and happiness. To eradicate COVID-19 As soon as possible As well as making efforts to create a better world

2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Communist Party of China. Over the past 100 years, the Communist Party of China has made a brave breakthrough. The commitment of the Communist Party of China after a hundred years of testing has been strengthened. From Shikumen Alley of Shanghai to Nanhu Lake, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province. The Communist Party of China is like a small red boat that conveys the wishes of the people and the hopes of the nations through the storms until it develops into a large ship that guides China to a stable distance. The Communist Party of China has set great goals for the far-flung future of the country.Now the Communist Party of China, with a 100-year history, is thriving, centering on its people. Unwavering determination and commitment to one’s mission No matter how hard and wind wave The Communist Party of China will inevitably propel this mighty ship to long distances. And would achieve the goal of making the Chinese nation prosper a new time

China is in the process of achieving a well-being of 2021 development goals, which is 100 years in the year that the Communist Party of China was established and will develop China into a modern socialist country in 2049. This coincides with the 100th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China in which China will begin the process of creating a modern and all-round socialism in 2021. I feel that the road is long and fights. Throughout the struggle, China has eliminated many hardships and obstacles. From now on, we will continue to struggle and go boldly forward in order to bring more prosperity and glory.

At this evening, the families were together. On the occasion of New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Eve I wish the mountains and rivers of the country more beautiful. The nation is stable and the people live in peace. I wish all people to experience only harmony, smoothness, prosperity and happiness, as well as the fulfillment of every desire.

Thank you

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