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Chinese police chasing a suspected HIV infection in the streets … video

A state of terror controls all Chinese cities for fear that the Corona virus will continue to spread and claim more lives, and the health and health authorities in China are taking all measures to besiege the disease and reduce the cases of infection. And seized them to isolate them and expedite their treatment, fearing that the number of its victims exceeds the number of SARS deaths that occurred between 2002 and 2003.

Not only homes, but those suspected of being pursued are pursued #Corona Virus In the streets, to isolate them and expedite their treatment, fearing an increase in the number of its victims, which exceeds the number of epidemic deaths. # SARS Between 2002 and 2003#China Corona #CoronaOutbreak pic.twitter.com/4CXWQLAF5v

– 24.ae | Mix (@ 24Entertain) February 9, 2020

The Chinese authorities have introduced a temporary, official name for the new acute respiratory disease, formerly known as the SK-019 virus.nCoVAnd, the Chinese authorities announced their decision at a press conference, according to “Rin TV”, according to the Chinese government health committee, this new disease will now be called NCP Or “New Coronavirus Pneumonia“.

The police arrest the suspect

Attempting to arrest a suspect
Attempting to arrest a suspect

The Chinese authorities said that this name will be used in official reports, and in the future the name of the disease may be changed, noting that the number of cases reported in China alone has increased to 37,198 infections, in less than two months after the virus appeared in late December in Wuhan.

China has taken strict measures to prevent the spread of the virus, including quarantining more than 50 million people in Hubei Province, and besieging the central province and its capital, Wuhan..

The number of deaths due to infection with the deadly Corona Virus globally rose to 805 people, exceeding in two months the number of deaths caused by the SARS virus, and confirmed cases in China alone exceeded 36 thousand and 600 people in less than two months after it appeared in Wuhan in late December the past.

The Bloomberg News reported that the SARS virus, which spread between 2002 and 2003, had killed 774 people and infected 8,100 others in 26 countries within eight months, according to the World Health Organization, with 45 percent of the total SARS infected in China.

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