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Chinese maglev. It will be the fastest train in the world

The Chinese are working on a magnetic train that will be the fastest land vehicle in the world. Currently, in the testing phase, it develops a speed of around 600 km/h, but must eventually reach 700 km/h.

Maglev HTS, because we talk about it, has so far been produced in a prototype version. The first presentation of the 21 m long vehicle took place last year. in the Chinese city of Chengdu. The train then covered a distance of 200m.

The fastest train in the world

The Chinese expect the train to be put into service within three years. Achieving enormous speeds is possible thanks to the use of Maglev technology, which has been developed for 20 years. Causes the train not to move on the tracks, but hovers above them, thanks to the phenomenon of magnetic levitation. Polo shirt electromagnetic eliminates the friction between the vehicle and the rail, so the Chinese vehicle is capable of breaking speed records.

According to the hypothesis, Maglev HTS would work between Beijing and Shanghai. Overcoming this 1000km route would take him 2.5 hours. For example, it currently takes three hours to cover this distance by plane.

Chinese maglev.  It will be the fastest train in the world

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It is worth mentioning that the technology maglev Japan and Germany were also interested, but the high costs associated with its implementation and the need to build entirely new railroad tracks meant that the investments have not yet been made.

Meanwhile, the Chinese from time to time release materials promoting the vehicle they are developing. In the video below, we can see what the HTC Maglev looks like inside.

Attention is drawn to both the control panels of the vehicle and the area set up for travellers. As Klaudia Stawska wrote, the Chinese company China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation made sure that the magnetic train ride met high standards and was not only fast, but also comfortable and safe.

Chinese maglev.  It will be the fastest train in the world

Adam Gaafar, journalist of Gadgetomania

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