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Chinese League One Match-Fixing Scandal Involving Li Tie and Hebei China Fortune Land Development Exposed

On the evening of January 9, CCTV aired the fourth episode of the anti-corruption documentary “Continuous Efforts to Advance Deeply”, which mentioned a match-fixing in 2015: Li Tie, the then coach of Hebei China Fortune Land Development, instructed assistant coach Zheng Bin to find rival Shenzhen Yuheng’s player Li Fei spent 6 million to ask him to manage other Shenzhen Yuheng players in a handicap match.

The “match-fixing” mentioned in the documentary took place in the last round of the Chinese League One on November 1, 2015. At that time, Hebei China Fortune, playing at home, was 2 points ahead of third-place Dalian Aerbin, and only needed 1 point to overtake them ( promoted from the Chinese League One to the Chinese Super League); their opponent Shenzhen Yuheng had insufficient fighting spirit to play this game due to their success in relegation in advance. As a result, China Fortune Land Development won 2:0 and scored 2 points to successfully advance to the Chinese Super League.

China Fortune Land Development successfully reached the Super League in 2015.

China Fortune Land Development got the last ticket to the Chinese Super League as they wished, and there was a crazy celebration on the spot. According to media reports at the time: “The players rushed to the sidelines excitedly, bowed deeply to head coach Li Tie, and then brought him Lift it high and throw it into the air, once, twice…”

China Fortune Land Development successfully reached the Super League in 2015.

Unexpectedly, 8 years later, this game was exposed as a fake.

Li Tieyuan was the head coach of the national football team. After retiring, he turned to coaching. In August 2015, he joined Hebei China Fortune Club and served as the head coach for the first time. At that time, there were only 9 games left in the season, China Fortune Land Development was only ranked 6th, and the prospect of surpassing the league was not optimistic. As soon as Li Tie took office, China Fortune Land Development Club made it clear to him that it hoped he would use his connections to buy off his opponents.

Li Tie joined Hebei China Fortune Club in August 2015.

After Li Tie took office, China Fortune Land Development went on a miraculous “eight-game winning streak” in the last eight games of the season, allowing China Fortune Land Development to lead its competitors by one point and “taking the lead”. Meng Jing, the former chairman of China Fortune Land Development Club, revealed that in order to ensure the team’s success in reaching the Super League, 14 million yuan was spent on bribes in the last game. The head coach and the players all said hello.”

Meng Jing, former chairman of China Fortune Club.

Finally, a case within a case is revealed, and the plot is more exciting than “Shaolin Football”. Li Fei, a player of Shenzhen Yuheng, received 6 million. He originally wanted to help other Shenzhen Yuheng players to fight against fake waves, but he knew that because Shenzhen Yuheng had succeeded in relegation in advance, the players had no intention of playing and would take a vacation after this game. So he kept 6 million and didn’t distribute it to other players. Because of this, other players were saved.

Shenzhen Yuheng player Li Fei.

Li Tie confessed in the feature film: “Achieving ‘success’ in this unfair way will actually make him more and more eager for quick success. In order to achieve results, he will find referees to do work and bribe other players and coaches.” , in some cases, this way of looking for clubs has become a habit, and even a little bit dependent on it later.”

Li Tie confessed in the feature film.

Li Tie enjoyed the benefits of leading the team in China Fortune Land Development’s anti-counterfeiting game. When he was hired as the head coach of Wuhan Zall Club in 2017, he took the initiative to promote anti-wavering to the club from the beginning. Under Li Tie’s instigation, Wuhan Zall also decided to “make a splash” at all costs. Finally, in October 2018, Wuhan Zall successfully surpassed the league.

The case disclosed by CCTV can be described as thrilling. It also reflects that as a big country with a population of 1.4 billion, China’s football performance is so poor because there are many moths fighting against the game. If we don’t take ruthless measures to rectify it, Chinese football will not have a future.

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According to the Mainland’s “Observer Network”, Ma Ying-jeou accepted the German media and emphasized that Taiwan cannot trust the verbal promises of the United States. He also said that U.S. think tanks have conducted 18 military campaigns, all of which the United States lost to China.

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Voting for the 2024 Taiwan region leader election is approaching. On January 10, German media released an exclusive interview with former Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou. In this interview, Ma Ying-jeou emphasized that Taiwan should dialogue with the mainland, not try to provoke the mainland, and cannot believe in the verbal promises of the United States.

Ma Ying-jeou warned that if a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait due to “Taiwan independence” or the intervention of external forces, he does not believe that the United States will directly intervene, let alone imagine that if the United States and Japan join the war, the outcome will be changed. “Do you know the RAND Corporation, an American think tank? They did The United States and China have launched 18 hypothetical wars, and the United States has lost 18 times.”

At the same time, Ma Ying-jeou criticized DPP candidate Lai Qingde for his dangerous remarks advocating “Taiwan independence,” pointing out that the main reason for the changes in the situation across the Taiwan Strait is that the DPP authorities stubbornly insist on “Taiwan independence” and refuse to recognize the “1992 Consensus.”

The Taiwan region’s leadership election will be held on January 13, 2024. With the international community paying more and more attention to the situation in the Asia-Pacific region, the German media paid close attention to the election dynamics in Taiwan and conducted an exclusive interview with Ma Ying-jeou on the 8th.

Faced with various leading questions from the German media trying to hype up the “threat of force” theory on the mainland, Ma Ying-jeou did not fall into the trap. He reminded the German media that during his eight years as leader of the Taiwan region, cross-strait relations had developed positively, but after the Democratic Progressive Party came to power, the situation across the Taiwan Strait changed.

Ma Ying-jeou blamed the current tensions on the Democratic Progressive Party and Lai Ching-te for advocating “Taiwan independence,” refusing to recognize the one-China principle and the “1992 Consensus,” and wantonly undermining the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations. “This is something that the mainland absolutely cannot accept.”

Ma Ying-jeou said that Lai Ching-te has been a supporter of “Taiwan independence” for a long time. The people on the island expect the DPP to be very careful to avoid any potential conflicts, so Lai Ching-te has restrained himself when canvassing for votes, but they have always stubbornly adhered to the “Taiwan independence” stance. So no matter how it evolves, everyone should be wary of it.

“His name is Lai (German media note: homophonic with the English lie (lie)), I think they are also afraid, worried that this kind of provocation will not be good for Taiwan, especially I believe he has also received some from American friends Suggestion.” Ma Ying-jeou said.

Starting from New Year’s Day 2024, the compulsory military service period on the island will be extended from 4 months to 1 year, applicable to Taiwanese youth born since 2005. Since its introduction, this measure by the Democratic Progressive Party authorities has caused a lot of controversy on the island and has been boycotted by Taiwanese youth.

Regarding this matter, Ma Ying-jeou said that the Democratic Progressive Party and some people in the United States believe that the four-month military service period is “too short”. In fact, it is completely sufficient, and military expenditures do not need to be so high because “we do not want to use force to solve problems with the mainland.”

He added that if the Taiwan authorities actively dialogue with the mainland and develop a peaceful and closer relationship, there will be no need to resort to force on any issue.

Ma Ying-jeou bluntly stated that “arming Taiwan” is very dangerous for the Taiwanese people, and no matter how it improves its military power, Taiwan will never be able to compare with the mainland. Once a war breaks out across the Taiwan Strait due to “Taiwan independence” or the intervention of external forces, Taiwan will never be able to win, ” They are too big and much stronger than us, so we should not use force to ease tensions. This (peace) is what both Taiwan and mainland people want.”

German media described Ma Ying-jeou’s stance as “a bit defeatist” and claimed that perhaps the United States and Japan would join the war. Ma Ying-jeou responded with a smile: “This is too optimistic. Do you know the American think tank Rand Corporation? They did it 18 times. In the imaginary war between the United States and China, the United States lost 18 times.”

Ma Ying-jeou bluntly stated that creating tension across the Taiwan Strait is not the attitude of the Taiwan authorities, and efforts should be made to reduce the potential for conflict. “That is very dangerous and will kill people, you know?”

He also emphasized that Taiwan cannot believe in the verbal promises of the United States. “I don’t think the United States will directly intervene. They will try every means to avoid it.” “If a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait and the United States also participates, the consequences will be catastrophic… …As I said, according to the RAND Corporation’s war statistics, the United States was defeated 18 times, so the support of the United States is limited, and we must understand this very clearly.”

According to a 2021 Yahoo News report, David Ochmanek, a senior analyst at the RAND Corporation and a former U.S. Department of Defense official, said: “For many years, whenever we have conducted exercises on the Taiwan Strait issue, our The blue team (referring to the US military) often gets the shit kicked out of them because time is of the essence in that situation and it gives China the advantage in terms of proximity and capabilities.”

China Review Network issued an article last year pointing out that, as concluded by many war games conducted by American think tanks such as the Rand Corporation, the United States no longer has an advantage in fighting in offshore waters such as the Taiwan Strait. In fact, if the Chinese mainland wants to use force to attack the “Taiwan independence” forces and solve the Taiwan issue, even if the United States sends troops to protect Taiwan, it will be of no avail. This is also one of the main reasons why the United States maintains the so-called “strategic ambiguity” and is unwilling to make a clear commitment to send troops to protect Taiwan.

Regarding the repeated attempts by some U.S. think tanks to make a fuss about the Taiwan issue, in January last year, a spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council stated at a regular press conference that some U.S. think tanks have frequently launched some so-called reports on the Taiwan issue and the situation across the Taiwan Strait, in the name of academic A carefully calculated deed is done under the guise of research. It vigorously exaggerates and sells China’s “threat theory” to make profits for domestic military-industrial groups, takes the opportunity to sow feelings among compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and serves its Latin American allies to “use Taiwan to contain China.” The motivation and purpose are obvious. Regarding such reports, I believe that the majority of Taiwan compatriots have the sense to make their own judgments and will not be deceived or coerced.

According to the Chinese Ministry of National Defense, the 17th China-US Ministry of National Defense Working Meeting was held in Washington, DC, from January 8th to 9th this year. During the meeting, China emphasized that it would never compromise on the Taiwan issue and demanded that the United States abide by the one-China principle, implement relevant commitments, stop arming Taiwan, and oppose Taiwan’s “independence.”

2024-01-10 09:20:53

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