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Chinese internet celebrity principal Zheng Qiang was reported for keeping a mistress and the whistleblower was arrested – The Epoch Times

Zheng Qiang, secretary of the Party Committee of Shanxi Taiyuan University of Technology, was recently reported for cheating on his wife and keeping a mistress. (Video screenshot)

[The Epoch Times, December 02, 2023](Epoch Times reporter Li Jing reported) Zheng Qiang, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanxi Taiyuan University of Technology, was reported to have cheated on him during marriage and kept a mistress. The incident continues to escalate. Recently, the Chinese Communist Party police issued an announcement that criminal coercive measures have been taken against the whistleblower involved, which aroused public attention and heated discussion.

The Higher Education Branch of Jinzhong Public Security Bureau in Shanxi Province issued a notice on November 30 stating that it received a report from Zheng from Taiyuan University of Technology in the jurisdiction, claiming that he had been spread rumors and defamation online. The police alleged that Lv Moumou, a Gansu national, “fabricated false information about Zheng and published it on the Internet platform” in order to achieve his personal goals, causing a negative social impact. Lv Moumou was subject to criminal coercive measures by the police.

The report also specifically mentioned that Lu Moumou was sentenced to five years in prison in 2018 for “illegal absorption of public deposits.”

The incident dates back to October 10 this year. A netizen nicknamed “Huaqu” posted a post on a social platform, reporting that Professor Zheng Qiang had an affair during his marriage and kept his girlfriend while he was the president of Guizhou University in 2015. The informant stated that he and his girlfriend had already decided to get married in October 2015, but Professor Zheng Qiang suddenly intervened and ruined the relationship between him and his girlfriend.

The report letter showed that Zheng Qiang was nearly 30 years older than the girl. He met her in a class and began to seduce her by sending WeChat messages and calling her after class. Zheng Qiang called himself “Beng Ben” in private messages. He often sent pornographic videos to the girl, introduced projects and company business to her, and promised to buy her a house in Beijing.

(webpage Screenshot)

The whistleblower also wrote in the report letter, “Zheng Qiang kept her in a villa in Guangxi when he was the president of Guizhou University. I heard from my girlfriend that Zheng Qiang has two villas in Guangxi.” The whistleblower also sent some pictures of Zheng Qiang. Chat records with his girlfriend were used as evidence. After the report letter fermented on the Internet, it triggered heated discussions among netizens.

(webpage Screenshot)

On October 11, a whistleblower told China News Weekly that one early morning in July 2015, Zheng Qiang called his girlfriend and was discovered by him, and the two broke up a few months later. The informant said that he and Zheng Qiang met once in March this year and reported it to the relevant school authorities and disciplinary inspection departments this year, but so far there has been no result.

Regarding the above-mentioned reports, Zheng Qiang, secretary of the Party Committee of Taiyuan University of Technology, issued a statement on October 12, saying that the whistleblower Lv “made up false information” and “extorted” him, and that he had reported the case.

In addition, Zheng Qiang specifically emphasized in the statement that the whistleblower was a “criminal released after serving his sentence.” At the same time, Zheng Qiang also mentioned that “these false information was also hyped and spread by non-mainland media” and had an impact on it.

(Weibo picture)

Analysis points out how Zheng Qiang insulted public intelligence

In response to the Zheng Qiang incident, mainland science writer Xiang Dongliang posted on social platforms on December 1: I believe everyone will have a strong feeling that something is wrong after reading it. This whole thing is full of weird atmosphere that subverts basic common sense and public IQ from beginning to end.

Xiang Dongliang analyzed Zheng Qiang’s “insulting” the public’s IQ from three aspects:

The first insult to public intelligence: Professor Zheng Qiang’s unimaginable patience. A male prisoner who was released from prison found a nationally renowned male professor with whom he had no personal relationship and confided his experience and feelings of serving time in prison many times, spanning as long as three months. The professor not only patiently listened to his unhelpful story, but also silently endured harassment, intimidation, blackmail, and threats for several months. This kind of patience and tolerance is really beyond what we ordinary people can imagine.

That’s not all! Three months later, the ex-convict approached the well-known professor again and asked him to guarantee a loan of 10 million yuan. The professor sternly rejected this unreasonable request, but did not block the person and continued to communicate with him online and offline. Even if this ex-convict begins to spread rumors to slander him, blackmail him, threaten his personal safety, and make him have to go to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to report and explain the situation… it is simply intolerable! However, Professor Zheng Qiang endured it and still did not call the police.

Insulting the public’s intelligence Article 2: Extortion and slander are more important than familiarity? A very simple truth: if someone fabricates false information to blackmail you for 10 million yuan and threatens your personal safety, and you finally have enough patience and go to the police, what would you say to the police? Would you call the police and report that someone is extorting money and threatening you, or that someone is making up false information to slander you? Anyone with any common sense would call the police on extortion charges, right?

On the one hand, it is very easy to identify the crime of extortion, but it is much more difficult to identify the facts of spreading rumors. If you call the police for extortion, as long as you produce recordings or written evidence, and the other party is a released prisoner with a criminal record, the police can arrest you immediately. If you simply call the police for spreading rumors, the public security department will most likely push you to court for prosecution. On the other hand, the conviction of extortion charges has nothing to do with whether the underlying events are true or false. It is a crime for someone to blackmail you with synthetic pornographic photos, and it is also a crime to blackmail you with real pornographic photos. I don’t know what kind of chess Professor Zheng Qiang is playing instead of using such a convenient charge of extortion and insisting on going to the police with the charge of spreading rumors.

Insulting the public’s intelligence No. 3: What do you mean by specifically naming non-Mainland media? In the “Solemn Statement” signed by himself, Professor Zheng Qiang specifically pointed out the hype by non-mainland media. It has to be said that although Professor Zheng Qiang showed poor IQ when facing Lu, who fabricated rumors and extorted money, his shrewdness and skill were clearly demonstrated when facing the public. So many media and self-media reported that Professor Zheng Qiang was reported, but he did not name any of them, but specifically pointed out that non-mainland media came. Of course, their intentions are very obvious: foreign forces have ulterior motives and are planning to sensationalize.

The article stated that people who did not understand the situation might have thought that Professor Zheng Qiang had mastered the core technology of lithography machines, which triggered deliberate slander and pursuit by foreign forces. A loud-mouthed professor with little academic achievements and a school that is not as good as the others suggests that the rumors that he keeps a lover are being targeted by foreign forces… Just ask: Are you worthy?

Public information shows that Zheng Qiang was born in Chongqing in 1960 and is a member of the Communist Party of China. Since 2008, he has served as deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Zhejiang University. In 2012, he was appointed president of Guizhou University. In 2016, he was transferred to deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Zhejiang University (department level). In 2020, he served as Secretary of the Party Committee of Taiyuan University of Technology, Distinguished Professor of Zedong Cadre College of Yan’an University, and Member of the Standing Committee of the Shanxi Provincial People’s Congress of the Communist Party of China. He was a distinguished professor of the “Changjiang Scholars Award Program” of the Ministry of Education of the Communist Party of China and an expert who enjoys special government allowances.

According to mainland media reports, during his tenure at Guizhou University, Zheng Qiang was called “the most awesome president” and “internet celebrity president” by netizens. Zheng Qiang is known for his sharp views, and many videos of his speeches have been posted online by students. In addition to instilling “patriotism” education in students in his speeches, most of his remarks are anti-American and anti-Western views, and he is known as the “angry young professor”.

Editor in charge: Sun Yun#

2023-12-01 23:03:01
#Chinese #internet #celebrity #principal #Zheng #Qiang #reported #keeping #mistress #whistleblower #arrested #Epoch #Times

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