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Chinese Embassy: He pushed them indifferent to Sino-Czech relations

China has always opposed any form of official exchange with Taiwan with states with which China has established diplomatic relations. The Speaker of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Miloš Vystrčil is indifferent to Sino-Czech relations and mutually beneficial cooperation, ignores the opinion of the general public of the Czech Republic and insisted on visiting Taiwan for serious interference in China’s internal affairs, seriously violating national sovereignty and territorial integrity and seriously violated the basic principles of international relations and the political commitments of bilateral relations, “the spokesman noted.

Vystrčil flew before Prague from Ruzyně Airport before 16:00. He is accompanied by a delegation of about 90 members, which includes entrepreneurs and other politicians, including Prague Mayor Zdeněk Hřib (Pirates). The road attracts a lot of attention. China is protesting against it, which Taiwan considers its rebellious colony. High Czech politicians also opposed it, including Prime Minister Andrej Babiš (ANO) and President Miloš Zeman.

“Taiwan is an integral part of China. The Chinese government and the Chinese people have a strong will to protect national sovereignty and territorial integrity and to defend themselves against the interference of any external forces in China’s internal affairs. China calls on the Czech side to adhere to the principle of one China and to protect the development of relations between the PRC and the Czech Republic by real deeds, “the spokesman added.

Former Senate President Jaroslav Kubera (ODS) planned the trip before his death. Taiwanese President Chai Jing-wen will award him a high state award for this. He was originally supposed to be taken over by his widow Věra Kuberová, but in the end he did not travel to Taiwan on the recommendation of doctors. Vystrčil will also receive the award, he will receive a medal for parliamentary diplomacy. China has been protesting against the road from the beginning. It was the pressure of the Chinese embassy in Prague, not only in this matter, that Vystrčil described as one of the reasons why he decided to visit Taiwan.

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