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Chinese Communist Agents Caught in Bribery Scheme to Target Falun Gong in the US

The J. Edgar Hoover Building of the FBI in Washington, DC, on April 3, 2019. The FBI is the domestic intelligence and security agency of the United States and its primary federal law enforcement agency. The FBI operates under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Justice and is a member of the U.S. Intelligence Community, reporting to the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence. (Eric Baradat/AFP via Getty Images)

[The Epoch Times, February 24, 2024](Epoch Times reporter Cai Rong reported in New York) In May 2023, in Orange County, upstate New York, a secret wrestling was going on, involving the Chinese Communist government’s conspiracy and the persecution of Falun Gong. Persecution of believers.

Chen Jun and Lin Feng, two seemingly ordinary Chinese men, came all the way from Los Angeles. One of their goals was to bribe IRS personnel to act as internal agents to crack down on a non-profit entity established by Falun Gong. Another goal is to monitor Falun Gong residents in Orange County, New York, and secretly collect information about them. These actions are for the benefit of the Chinese government and are part of a long-term conspiracy.

On the dark Sunday of May 14 last year, three people met secretly in a restaurant in Newburgh, Orange County, New York. Chen Jun is sitting opposite F, the tax commissioner of the National Taxation Bureau. The third person is Lin Feng, Chen Jun’s bodyguard and driver.

Chen approached F and said in a low voice: “Listen carefully, we have a plan. If you can help us handle the reporting materials, promote the IRS to audit the Falun Gong organization here, and cancel their non-profit status, you will get 5 Ten thousand U.S. dollars in benefits. I will pay you the initial 10%, 5,000 U.S. dollars, as start-up capital.”

F raised his eyebrows: “Who else is ‘us’ you are talking about?”

Chen smiled: “I am acting on behalf of the Chinese (CCP) government.”

Unknown to Chen, F had been recording their conversation. He was an undercover agent in the New York office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), responsible for counterintelligence investigations. The evidence he collects will be crucial.

Seeing that F did not object, Chen motioned for F to follow him out of the restaurant and got into the back seat of F’s car. There, Chen handed over a wad of hundred-dollar bills—$1,000 in total—as the initial bribe.

After returning to the restaurant, they drank coffee and discussed in low voices how to pay the balance. Chen Jun emphasized that payment must not be made through the U.S. financial system, and the money can only be moved through “human flesh” without leaving any trace. Lin Feng promised to go back to Los Angeles to collect US$4,000 and fly to New York, which was the balance of the US$5,000 down payment. Chen Jun further said that if the report is successful, the IRS will reward him, and he and F will then split the money, 60% of which will be given to F.

Chen Jun (left) and bodyguard Lin Feng (right). (Epoch Times/Lin Feng Weibo/Epoch Times Synthesis)

* 01: “Always follow the party” Chen Jun responded to the CCP’s call

After leaving the restaurant, Lin Feng drove Chen Jun back to the hotel. The next day, they will go to the IRS office in New Windsor, New York, to have a formal meeting with F to complete the necessary IRS procedures, otherwise his report cannot be processed further.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Chen Jun thought about every next step. He is already 70 years old and is the founding president of the Los Angeles Tianjin Association. He is also the founder of many pro-communist organizations in Southern California. He has held more than a dozen united front positions, such as chairman of the Federation of Chinese Associations, director of the Overseas Friendship Association, and the All-China Federation of Overseas Chinese. Overseas committee member, consultant of Tianjin Overseas Chinese Federation, vice president of Tianjin Overseas Exchange Association, etc. He had always aspired to become a leading figure in pro-communist groups in Los Angeles.

Photos backed up to Chen Jun’s iCloud show that Chen Jun (left) is often invited to participate in official CCP activities, including the 70th anniversary of the founding of the CCP. (Screenshot of court documents)

In 2021, he was invited by the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to attend the celebration meeting for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party in Beijing.Afterwards, he published on the official website of the United Front Work Department of the Tianjin Municipal CommitteeSigned article“The Communist Party of China is the Pride of Chinese Sons and Daughters Overseas” describes the battle call from CCP leader Xi Jinping that lingered in his mind for a long time: “All members of the Chinese Communist Party! The Party Central Committee calls on you…”

He expressed the loyalty of party members to the Communist Party of China: “Every member of the Communist Party of China should resolutely respond to General Secretary Xi Jinping’s call, not forget the original intention, keep the mission in mind, actively participate in the new round of “rush exams”, and strive to get good results. Although I I am nearly 70 years old, but my fighting spirit is still strong… I will always follow the party, my life will never end, and my fight will not stop!”

Chen Jun is well aware of the risks of bribing the IRS, and the real purpose of this plan is to use U.S. legal procedures to persecute Falun Gong believers. This is exactly the intention of the Chinese Communist government. In fact, he knew full well that it was illegal. Therefore, he has recently rented out his only known residence in the United States, preparing to return to China as soon as the matter is realized.

*02: Conspiracy to bribe Chen Jun to suppress Falun Gong

How did Chen Jun find F? Court documents show that four months before the secret meeting with F, Chen Jun had a phone call with Q to discuss a plan to bribe IRS officials. He proposed to use the IRS reporting system to fabricate some black materials to crack down on the non-profit organizations established by Falun Gong in the eastern United States.

Chen Jun did not know that Q was an FBI informant. He asked Q if he could contact internal personnel of the IRS to assist with this matter, and promised that if he could get through the IRS, the Chinese government would give generous rewards, with the ultimate goal of helping the CCP “defeat” Falun Gong.

Q claimed that he knew F (who was actually an FBI undercover agent). Chen Jun immediately said that “the leader will be rewarded heavily” after the incident is completed.

In early February, Chen Jun sent fabricated reporting materials to F at the New Windsor, New York, IRS office. On February 8, Chen told Q that his superior wanted to speak directly to F, but he wanted to keep his identity confidential and would not disclose the specific department. “We didn’t want to go off script and mess things up,” he explained.

He specifically told Q: Don’t talk about money, don’t leave any traces, to avoid trouble in the future.

*03: Return to China to report bringing bribes into the United States

On February 10, 2023, Chen left to report back to China. On February 19, Chen Jun told Q via a WeChat voice message from China that he was searching for background information on F because the CCP’s top leaders were considering cooperating with F and needed more information on F.

Chen Jun not only has close ties with the Chinese Communist government, he also has a military background. He graduated from Tianjin Foreign Languages ​​School in 1969, majoring in English. The school was established in 1964 according to the instructions of Zhou Enlai, the then Prime Minister of the Communist Party of China, with the purpose of cultivating foreign affairs professionals. Most of its graduates have entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the national foreign trade, and the press department.

After graduation, Chen Jun entered the military system in 1969 when the Communist Party of China began to “go to the mountains and countryside”. He served in the 46th Division of the Chinese Communist Aviation Force for six years and was stationed at the 20th Training Base of the National Defense Science and Technology Commission, which is the Jiuquan Missile Experiment Base in Gansu Province. In 1975, he changed his career and joined a popular foreign trade company at the time, and served as the general trade representative of the Tianjin Municipal Government in the West Coast of the United States. Moved to the United States in 1992. After coming to the United States, it was said that he obtained the June 4th Green Card. After becoming a naturalized U.S. citizen, he holds a “foreign permanent resident card” commonly known as a Chinese green card. According to relevant regulations, holders of this card must stay in China for no less than three months in total each year.

Photos backed up to Chen Jun’s iCloud show that he is often invited to participate in official CCP activities, including military parades. (Screenshot of court documents)

Over the years, he has been organizing activities for the Chinese Communist Party, such as protests against CNN, the return of Hong Kong, Japan’s membership of the United Nations Security Council, Tibetan human rights issues, the Olympic torch relay, the “Red Song Concert to Commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the Victory of the Chinese Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army’s Long March”, etc. Organizing Chinese people to support the CCP has won the favor of the Chinese consulate and mainland officials.

On March 7, Chen Jun introduced Q to “Official-1” of the CCP on the phone. He called the latter “leader” and handed the phone to the other party.

On March 20, Q received a call from the CCP’s “Official-1”, who wanted Chen Jun to meet with F from the IRS to resolve the reporting matter. Q provided F’s email, and Chen Jun sent an email on March 25 to make an appointment. A formal meeting was scheduled for May 15 at the New Windsor office of the IRS.

On May 8, Chen Jun flew from China to Los Angeles with $10,400 in cash. Customs officers discovered the cash when checking his luggage and saw that the cash worth $100 was neatly bundled into a large pile. His bodyguard Lin Feng was waiting at the airport.

On May 9, Chen Jun called F and suggested meeting on the 14th, accompanied by his driver Lin Feng. Chen Jun assured F that Lin Feng was “trustworthy” and discussed a plan to meet one day in advance because F mentioned that the reporting materials were insufficient evidence in the eyes of the IRS.

On May 12, Chen Jun and Lin Feng discussed the action plan and said that the CCP’s “Official-1” would issue instructions in their WeChat group and that after reading, they would “delete the record.” “If there is an emergency” during the meeting between Chen and F, Lin Feng needs to “send an alert” to the CCP’s “Official-1”.

On May 15, Lin Feng drove Chen Jun to the New Windsor office of the IRS, and F served as the receptionist and formally met with Chen Jun. After the two parties met, they pretended to follow the procedures prescribed by the IRS. The meeting was mainly in English, with Chen Jun pretending that he was doing it “for the benefit of American taxpayers.” But in fact, he had given F a stack of hundred-dollar bills one day ago in an attempt to collude with F to cooperate with the CCP’s suppression of Falun Gong.

The next day, Chen Jun and Lin Feng were careful every step of the way, fearing that “an emergency would occur” and at the same time worried that F would not fulfill his promise after receiving the money. On May 16, Chen Jun sent an email to F, saying, “My friend is hesitating whether to do it or not. Should we start with the IRS first and then we continue (giving money)? Please reply.”

Later, Chen Jun called F again and said: The relationship between China and the United States is not very good. Our “friends” in China are worried that “there will be problems” with this plan. Can you “provide me with written documents” so that I can explain to my superiors? , otherwise there is no basis for what you say.

In order to allow F to move forward with confidence, Chen repeatedly emphasized that he and Lin Feng were acting on behalf of the Chinese Communist government. He and his colleagues in the Chinese Communist government were “like brothers wearing the same pants. We started fighting together (Falun Gong) twenty or thirty years ago. Founder).” He assured F: As long as the IRS initiates investigation procedures, they will definitely give him 50,000 yuan, plus 60% of the whistleblower reward.

* 04: Going to great lengths to hide the source of bribes

However, Chen Jun is well aware of the risks regarding how to hide the source and method of the 50,000 yuan bribe and to conduct operations without leaving any trace without arousing suspicion from the US government.

Assistant Prosecutor Shiva H. Logarajah and his team pointed out in the letter opposing bail submitted to the court that Chen Jun was very cautious. He carefully avoided discussing too many details of the bribery plan on the phone and repeatedly reminded Q Don’t go into too much detail on the phone with F. This is also clearly reflected in how he cleverly circumvented U.S. reporting requirements and determined not to make payments through the U.S. financial system.

Chen Jun mentioned to F that his method of paying cash bribes was “secret” because “bringing money into the United States is very risky and requires the use of some special means. This takes time.” He proposed to send money to F in China , claiming that his resources in China “far exceed those in the United States” and “if it can be paid for in China, money is not a problem.”

If it could not be paid in China, Chen Jun then told F that he would return to China in June and planned to pay the bribe in batches from July to September, with Lin Feng flying to New York twice from Los Angeles in late July and early August. Each time he brought $25,000 in cash and delivered it to F in person.

Chen Jun explained that the reason for this payment in installments is that he cannot bring “50,000 US dollars” into the United States at once because “the amount is too large. In the United States, if it exceeds 10,000 US dollars, you have to declare it. I really don’t want to declare it.”

On May 16, when Chen Jun and Lin Feng were discussing the bribery plan, Chen Jun alleged that the CCP “official-1” was “the person who has been in charge of these affairs.” He instructed Lin Feng to “find a way…how to transfer the money to F.” Lin Feng responded, “No problem.” He could “go back and forth” to New York and send the bribe money “on the same day.”

On the night of the 16th, F sent a document to Chen Jun, saying that Chen’s reporting materials had been handed over to the audit department of the IRS and that the audit process was expected to start soon. On May 18, Lin Feng handed over 4,000 US dollars in cash to F at New York’s JFK Airport as the balance of the 10% advance bribe.

Everything seemed to be going well, until at 6 a.m. on May 26, Chen Jun and Lin Feng were knocked on the door by FBI agents while they were sleeping. An “emergency” really happened.

* 05: FBI arrest operation is like a drama

According to local media reports in Los Angeles, Chen Jun and Lin Feng were arrested at their respective residences. Chen Jun lives alone, so there were no witnesses to his arrest. However, Lin Feng’s arrest process became a well-known drama:

Lin Feng rents a house in Hacienda Heights, where there are less than 10 tenants. At 6 a.m., the tenants heard a heavy knock on the front door, followed by a shout of “FBI” from outside, ordering everyone to come out with their heads in hands and not to move.

At that time, all the tenants woke up from their sleep, and the situation was chaotic. Some people even came out without wearing pants. Some tenants described the scene at that time: everyone felt like a gun was being aimed at their chest, and they might be killed if they resisted for a moment; there was an armored car parked not far away, with the door open, and a sniper behind the car; FBI agents holding weapons There were more than 20 people, and there were more than a dozen black SUVs around; there were at least four snipers at the commanding heights across the street, holding sniper rifles to suppress the scene, and would fire immediately if there was any disturbance; there were also several drones hovering in the sky.

It was a very dramatic scene, and everyone was handcuffed on the spot. Lin Feng was the last one to come out. According to insiders, he probably knew that he was the target of the FBI, so he dressed very slowly. He waited until everyone else came out and lined up according to the order before he walked out the door last. The FBI recognized Lin Feng with his photo and took him into the car. Others were let go.

*06: Raymond Lam’s unusual travel pattern

Lin Feng is a former Chinese national cycling team athlete. He is 1.8 meters tall from Sichuan. He is 45 years old and has a strong build. Since settling in Los Angeles in 2013, he has frequently traveled between the United States and China, and has returned to China five times in 10 years. Obtained a US green card in 2015.

According to reports, Lin Feng engaged in personal security services after immigrating to the United States, and was often hired as a close bodyguard for celebrities and celebrities. For example, when film and television star Daniel Wu came to Los Angeles, he asked him to be a one-on-one close security guard.

Prosecutors pointed out that Lin Feng was Chen Jun’s long-term partner and he also had long-term and deep ties with the Chinese Communist government. As a former Chinese athlete, Lin Feng previously stated in an FBI interview that CCP officials have been tracking him and closely monitoring his movements since he left China. Raymond Lam still retains Chinese nationality. In this case of conspiracy against Falun Gong, he maintained contact with the CCP “Official-1” and acted according to the instructions of the CCP “Official-1”.

It is worth noting that Lin Feng mysteriously entered Mexico on foot twice in February 2022. His actions in the bribery scheme also highlighted his unusual travel patterns. On May 17, 2023, just two days after Lin Feng accompanied Chen Jun to formally meet with F, he took a flight across the United States and saw F again at 1 a.m. on the 18th.

He then flew back to Los Angeles a few hours later without leaving the airport. After staying at the airport for a few hours, he took another flight from Los Angeles to Miami. All in all, his travel patterns are puzzling and all of his flights are last-minute bookings. “It was difficult to effectively monitor him, and his dizzying travel patterns underscored his efforts to carry out a bribery scheme backed by the Chinese government,” prosecutors said.

On the other hand, Lin Feng’s life is unstable. Just in April 2023, Lin Feng purchased a gun, and his registered address was somewhere in Los Angeles. However, he did not live in just one place. Law enforcement officers found him in another place and finally caught him in another place.

After Lin Feng was arrested, he claimed that he only had US$100 to US$200 in his bank account, which is hard to believe. Prosecutors believe he may have other unknown foreign bank accounts in view of his frequent shuttle flights at the airport.

* 07: Chen Jun showed off: Xi Jinping met me three times in ten years

Prosecutors stated in court documents that Chen Jun “appears to be known for engaging in repressive work on behalf of the Chinese government.” In a message backed up to Chen Jun’s iCloud account, one of Chen’s friends referred to Chen as a “Five Antis” person, also It is he who opposes the five groups that the Chinese Communist Party sees as suppressing, including Taiwan independence, Xinjiang independence, Tibetan independence, the democratic movement and Falun Gong.”

Prosecutors also cited a Los Angeles Times report on April 26, 2008, which mentioned Chen Jun’s organization of protests against CNN and the Olympic Torch Relay. Prosecutors wrote: Chen Jun’s official ties to the Chinese Communist Party were confirmed not only by the recordings and evidence in the indictment, but also by evidence seized from Chen Jun’s iCloud account.

Prosecutors said messages in Chen Jun’s iCloud account showed he was in close communication with officials from the Chinese Consulate in Los Angeles and officials from the mainland. His cloud photos show that he is often invited to participate in official activities of the Chinese Communist government, including military parades and celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

“In fact, Chen Jun has had access to the highest levels of the Chinese Communist government. In a recorded phone call, he proudly stated that he had “climbed to this position step by step” and that “Xi Jinping has met me three times in ten years.” In addition, Chen There is also a photo of him and Xi Jinping in Jun’s iCloud,” the prosecutor said.

Prosecutors believed that Chen Jun’s career as a garden furniture manufacturer was “only a superficial one.” Since 2007, he has traveled to China more than 40 times, an average of two or three times a year. When entering the United States in November 2022, Chen Jun was found to be carrying US$52,000. He told customs officers that he had another residence and business in Tianjin – where he had served as an official. This is consistent with what he disclosed to Q, when he claimed that his resources in China far exceeded those in the United States.

*08: From Los Angeles to Orange County, New York: Two people monitor Falun Gong

After the two were arrested in Los Angeles in May last year, the case was immediately transferred to the Federal Court for the Southern District of New York for trial. Prosecutors charged them with four counts: (1) acting as agents of a foreign government without notifying the U.S. Attorney General; (2) bribery of public officials; (3) conspiracy to commit foreign agents and bribery; and (4) conspiracy to commit international money laundering . The charges carry a combined maximum penalty of 40 years in prison.

Prosecutors said the bribery scheme in which Chen Jun and Lin Feng participated was carried out under the direction of the Chinese government, and its content was described in the indictment as “both bold and shameless.”

However, the bribery scheme was not the only task carried out by Chen Jun and Lin Feng. The two also conducted on-the-ground surveillance of Falun Gong members in Orange County, New York.

Prosecutors said that before Lin Feng conspired with Chen Jun in the bribery scheme, he was interviewed by FBI agents not once, but three times. During the interview, Lin Feng admitted that he and Chen Jun “went to New York together to monitor Falun Gong residents in Orange County and collect information as the basis for a possible environmental lawsuit aimed at hindering the development of Falun Gong in the Orange County community in New York.” . Prosecutors pointed out that Lin Feng “knew that Chen Jun wanted to eliminate Falun Gong, but still chose to participate in these activities.”

Prosecutors also said that Chen Jun and Lin Feng repeatedly demonstrated a clear understanding of their wrongdoings but tried to find ways to evade investigation. For example, after Raymond Lam was investigated by the FBI about his relationship with Chen Jun and anti-Falun Gong activities, he still did not stop the investigation despite knowing that the FBI was generally interested in such activities. He gave investigators a number that he and Chen Jun had not used (deceiving the agents) and used code words in the calls, such as referring to bribe payments as “documents.”

Prosecutors further pointed out that in a recorded phone call, Chen Jun relayed the concerns of his behind-the-scenes commanders in China about possible exposure. Still, they decided to take action, showing their determination and audacity in what they were doing.

The Epoch Times has reported many times before that the Shen Yun Performing Arts Group is the primary target of the Chinese Communist Party’s overseas crackdowns. The reason why the Chinese Communist Party has listed Shen Yun Performing Arts in upstate New York as a key target can be clearly seen from Shen Yun’s advertising slogan this year: “Showing China before communism.”

An internal CCP instruction document obtained by The Epoch Times states: “We must systematically and strategically attack Falun Gong’s overseas headquarters and bases.”

Orange County, upstate New York, where Shen Yun Performing Arts is located, is a target location for sabotage by Chinese Communist agents. The picture shows that the nails that someone deliberately threw into the driveway have become embedded in the tires. (provided by the victim)Orange County, upstate New York, where Shen Yun Performing Arts is located, is a target location for sabotage by Chinese Communist agents. A screenshot of security camera footage shows someone throwing nails out of a truck window. (Provided by Longquan Temple)Orange County, upstate New York, where Shen Yun Performing Arts is located, is a target location for sabotage by Chinese Communist agents. The picture shows a nail that someone deliberately threw into the driveway. (provided by the victim)

*09: Tianjin’s 610 system penetrates overseas

In this case, Chen Jun, president of the Tianjin Association, made a special trip to China to receive funds and receive guidance. The indictment reads: “For many years, the main base of the 610 Office has been in Tianjin, China.” “As previously known, the CCP government officials responsible for the persecution of Falun Gong are concentrated in Tianjin.”

It is worth noting that the CCP began to persecute Falun Gong in 1999 with the frame-up incident of Falun Gong in Tianjin; 25 years later, the case of Chen Jun, a Tianjin native, brought people’s attention back to Tianjin.

Hao Fengjun, a former official of the 610 Office of the Tianjin Municipal Public Security Bureau and First Class Superintendent, once disclosed that the CCP held a meeting in Tianjin to arrange for the deployment of secret forces abroad. North America and Australia were infiltrated by the Tianjin 610 system to which Hao Fengjun was affiliated at the time.

He said that the “610 Office” is a huge system that relies on the persecution of Falun Gong to make a living. It directly applies for hundreds of millions of yuan from the Ministry of Finance every year. A piece of overseas information about Falun Gong can cost from 3,000 yuan to hundreds of thousands of yuan, and the Ministry of Public Security will distribute the money according to the level of intelligence. Chen Jun obviously relied on this for a living.

Li Youfu, president of the Falun Dafa Association of Southwest America, who had direct dealings with Chen Jun, said that after the CCP launched the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999, Chen Jun acted as a “thug” for the CCP overseas. Whenever Falun Gong practitioners in Los Angeles hold activities, Chen Jun leads a group of people to cause trouble. Li Youfu believes that Chen Jun is an overseas “610” member.

Chen Jun’s Tianjin fellow Li Huahong (nicknamed “Stone”) is also engaged in anti-Falun Gong activities in Flushing. The funds for his activities come from the Tianjin Political and Legal Affairs Commission (610 system). The Epoch Times reported in 2019 “Insider: Li Huahong’s Activities in the United States” Funds provided by Tianjin Political and Legal Affairs Commission”, this is described in detail. She was also awarded the “Fighting Award” by the CCP for her active dedication. The New York Post once reported that on January 21, 2012, officials from the Chinese Communist Party’s Political and Legal Affairs Commission went to New York to present her with an award.

*10: Prosecutor: The CCP is afraid that this case will be exposed

According to the record at the bail hearing, the prosecutor pointed out that the words and deeds of Chen Jun and Lin Feng were the core of this case. “The evidence collected comprehensively exposed the bribery plan under the guidance of the CCP. The evidence is irrefutable.” “This is exactly what the CCP is doing.” The concern is that the U.S. government will discover that the Chinese government is conducting an influence operation. Neither the Chinese government nor the defendants themselves want this foreign influence operation to be further exposed and stand trial here, allowing this influence operation to The details were heard in open court. There is a real sort of weight against standing trial here.”

When stating their opposition to bail, the prosecutor said: The task of the two defendants was to bring its repressive actions to the United States under the command of the Chinese Communist Party government. In essence, it is to destroy the basic freedoms of Falun Gong practitioners in the United States. This is obviously a threat to American society. This not only undermines basic values, but also shows the defendants have no respect for the sovereignty and authority of U.S. law.

In fact, the secret activities carried out by Chen and Lin in the United States on behalf of the Chinese Communist government not only posed a threat to the Falun Gong community, prosecutors pointed out that on American soil, these defendants tried to distort the legitimate functions of the American government to cater to the interests of the Chinese Communist government. Viewed another way, they conducted a foreign influence operation that demonstrated a disregard for U.S. law and undermined the safety of everyone by perpetuating the Chinese government’s persecution of dissidents on U.S. soil.

Prosecutors concluded that the defendants posed a serious threat to communities seeking asylum in the United States and to the normal operations of the U.S. government. Therefore, the court should keep them in custody without bail. The judge agreed with prosecutors that they posed a flight risk and refused their bail application.

After the grand jury formally indicted, the case’s court file number is 7:23-cr-00286, and the next status conference is scheduled for the afternoon of April 3.

Editor in charge: Sun Yun#

2024-02-24 02:19:00
#InsiderFBI #thwarts #secret #operation #Tianjin #spies #United #States #Epoch #Times

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