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Chinese baby’s face swollen like a balloon… I just applied cream

There was a case in China where a baby’s face swelled with a baby cream. Chinese people are outraged by the constant accidents of baby products.

This is a report from Beijing Correspondent Song Wook.

This is a 5 month old baby girl.

His face was swollen like a balloon, and his forehead had a lot of hair.

As the child’s weight gained rapidly, the parents went to the hospital and diagnosed with hormonal problems.

After confirming that there were no problems with breast milk, parents suspected the infant skin cream they had used.

When we tested the ingredients with a famous Chinese blogger, we found steroids in the cream.

[웨이원펑/중국 블로거 : 이 크림뿐 아니라 이 회사 다른 제품에서도 kg당 30mg이 넘는 호르몬(스테로이드제 성분)이 검출됐습니다.]

[구웨이/아동병원 내분비과 주임 : 많은 양의 부신피질호르몬은 성장을 억제할 수 있고, 골다공증을 가져올 수도 있습니다.]

After a big controversy on the Internet, the cream maker insisted that the product was fine.

China’s health authorities have forced the product in question to be recalled and launched a major investigation into the product and its companies.

[피해 아이 할머니 : 우리가 매일 아이한테 발라주었던 것이 독약이었습니다. 분명히 우리 집 아이만 이런 상황은 아닐 것입니다.]

Earlier, in May last year, in Hunan Province, China, there was an incident where infants and toddlers ate fake milk and their heads grew bigger.

Children who knew and ate a product that had little nutritional content needed as a special formula were delayed in growth and were diagnosed with rickets.

In the wake of the 2008 industrial melamine milk powder shock in which hundreds of thousands of people were damaged, the voices of Chinese people’s anger and demand for severe punishment are growing in the ongoing baby products incident.

(Video coverage: Choi Deok-hyun, Video editing: Lee So-young, Video source: Weibo)

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