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Chinese air and naval exercises in the Taiwan Strait

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Chinese warships, anti-submarine planes and fighter jets carried out exercises off the island of Taiwan on Tuesday, August 17, 2021. A response, according to Beijing, to ” provocations From Taipei and Washington, and American interference.

The command of the Eastern Theater of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) wrote in a statement that China had sent its aircraft to carry out ” joint assault maneuvers and other exercises with troops ” this Tuesday.

The statement explains that the United States and Taiwan have recently ” stepped up provocations and sent false signals seriously undermining China’s sovereignty and seriously compromising peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait ».

In the eyes of the Chinese army, the exercise is justified by ” the need to preserve national sovereignty On Taiwan. ” This is a solemn response to outside interference and provocations from the pro-independence forces in Taiwan. »

The Taiwanese Defense responded that Taipei had “ a full understanding and full assessment of the situation in the Taiwan Strait area, as well as related developments at sea and in the air, and is prepared for various responses. »

→ To re-read: Unprecedented incursion of Chinese military planes at the gates of Taiwan

The United States approved in early August a new arms sales program in Taipei, an artillery system valued at $ 750 million, or 637 million euros. The People’s Republic of China has little taste for this type of trade with its ” rebel province ».

For the past few days, the Chinese state media have tried to scare the Taiwanese by comparing the ancient island of Formosa to Afghanistan ” abandoned By Americans and Westerners in general. The implication: in the event of an invasion, America will not budge.

So far, Washington has not changed its defense commitments to Taipei. Even some of those who put a modest veil on moral issues to speak only of interests, note that America currently retains a major strategic interest in the Strait.


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