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“Chinchaiba Bazar: The ‘One Kidney Village’ of Afghanistan”

10:46 PM

Saturday 27 May 2023

Written by Amira Helmy

Chinchaiba Bazar, an Afghan village near the city of Herat, became known as the “One Kidney Village” in Afghanistan, due to the large number of residents who sold one of their kidneys to make ends meet.

Afghanistan was not doing well economically before the Taliban came to power last year, but the brutal takeover has collapsed the Asian country’s economy and left many struggling to feed their families.

In some cases, things got so bad that people decided to sell a kidney to pay off their debts and buy food.

One of the small villages in Herat province has become known as the “One Kidney Village”, due to the large number of residents who sold one of their kidneys on the black market, according to the “odditycentral” website.

“I didn’t want to, but I didn’t have any choice.” Noureddine, a 32-year-old father, told AFP, “I did it for my children. I’m sorry about that now, I can’t work anymore, I’m in pain.” I can’t lift anything heavy.”

Buying or selling human organs is illegal in most countries around the world, but in Afghanistan it is not regulated and as long as written consent is expressed by the donor, doctors start to operate, but no one knows where the organs go.

One woman said, “I sold my kidney for 250,000 afghani ($2,900). I had to. My husband doesn’t work and we have debts.”

Aziza, a mother of three, added, “My children are roaming the streets begging. If I don’t sell my kidney, I will have to sell my one-year-old daughter.”

While going so far as to sell a kidney may seem extremely difficult to many people, it is worth remembering the desperate situation in which Afghanistan is now.

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2023-05-27 19:46:00
#Residents #Kidney #Village #sell #body #parts #reason

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