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China’s Role as a Stabilizing Force in a Turbulent World: Wang Yi’s Keynote Speech at Munich Security Conference

Resolutely be a stabilizing force in a turbulent world

——Wang Yi’s keynote speech at the “China Session” of the 60th Munich Security Conference

(February 17, 2024, Munich)

Dear friends and colleagues,

Looking back on 2023, the world is full of turmoil and mankind faces multiple challenges. Protectionism and pan-security have impacted the world economy, while unilateralism and group politics have severely damaged the international system. The crisis in Ukraine has worsened, and conflicts in the Middle East have resumed. New challenges such as artificial intelligence, climate change, and space polar regions are coming one after another.

Today, the most important message I want to convey here is that no matter how the international situation changes, China, as a responsible major country, will always maintain the continuity and stability of its major policies and firmly serve as a stabilizing force in a turbulent world.

First, China is willing to be a stabilizing force promoting cooperation among major countries.

Major powers bear key responsibilities for global strategic stability. President Xi Jinping clearly pointed out that great power competition is not the background of this era. The more turbulent the international situation becomes, the more major countries need to strengthen coordination; the more prominent risks and challenges become, the more major countries need to enhance cooperation.

This year marks the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. Historical experience and lessons show that cooperation between China and the United States can accomplish major events that benefit both countries and the world. Confrontation between China and the United States will cause disaster for both countries and the world. The two heads of state held an important meeting at the end of last year to develop the “San Francisco Vision” for the future. China will firmly safeguard its legitimate rights and interests, oppose unreasonable containment and suppression, and with a responsible attitude toward history, the people, and the world, China will work with the United States to implement the consensus reached by the two heads of state, and promote China-U.S. relations along the lines of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and We are on the right track for win-win cooperation.

Russia is China’s largest neighbor. The stable development of Sino-Russian relations on the basis of non-alignment, non-confrontation, and non-targeting of third parties is in line with the common interests of both sides. It contributes to Asia-Pacific and global strategic stability, and it also makes useful explorations for a new type of major-country relations.

As the two major forces, markets and civilizations in the world, China and Europe should be aware of the international responsibilities they bear. A more stable and closer China-EU relationship will not only bring success to each other, but will also illuminate the world. We should eliminate geopolitical and ideological interference, adhere to the position of partners rather than adversaries, jointly inject positive energy into dealing with chaos, and provide a new direction for jointly overcoming difficulties.

Second, China is willing to be a stabilizing force in dealing with hot issues.

We strive to explore solutions to hot-spot issues with Chinese characteristics. We insist on non-interference in internal affairs and oppose imposition on others; we insist on objectivity and justice and oppose seeking personal gain; we insist on political settlement and oppose the use of force; we insist on addressing both the symptoms and root causes and oppose short-sightedness and one-sidedness. Under China’s active mediation, Saudi Arabia and Iran achieved historic reconciliation, setting off a “tide of reconciliation” in the Middle East and becoming a vivid practice of the global security initiative advocated by President Xi Jinping.

The recent escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has spilled over, and the situation in the Red Sea continues to be tense, once again proving that the Palestinian issue has always been the core of the Middle East issue. The Palestinian people have been displaced for generations and are still unable to return to their homes. This is the longest-lasting injustice in modern times. China firmly stands on the side of fairness and justice, works hard to cease fire and stop violence, and does its best to protect civilians. Push the Security Council to adopt the first resolution since the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and issue a position paper on the political settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli issue. China calls for accelerating the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, convening a larger-scale and more effective international peace conference, and truly realizing the peaceful coexistence of Palestine and Israel.

During the Ukraine crisis, China never gave up its efforts to make peace and never stopped promoting talks. President Xi Jinping personally communicated in depth with leaders of various countries, including Russia and Ukraine, and played a constructive role in responding to the crisis. China also issued a position paper and sent special envoys many times to mediate. Everything we do leads to one goal, which is to end the war and build consensus to pave the way for peace talks.

We will continue to promote the political settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue. Our top priority is to prevent a vicious cycle, address the legitimate security concerns of the parties concerned, and promote the cooling and stabilization of the situation. We push all parties in Myanmar to sign a ceasefire agreement in Kunming, China, resolutely safeguard peace and stability in northern Myanmar, and encourage ASEAN to promote the proper settlement of the Myanmar issue on the premise of non-interference in internal affairs. We also actively support Afghanistan in building an inclusive government, moderate governance, and preventing the recurrence of terrorism.

China has a vast territory, numerous neighboring countries, and complex conflicts and disputes left over from history. We have always insisted on managing differences through consultation and resolving disputes through dialogue. We are willing to speed up consultations with ASEAN on the “South China Sea Code of Conduct”, promote maritime cooperation and joint development, and build the South China Sea into a sea of ​​peace, cooperation and friendship.

Third, China is willing to be a stabilizing force in strengthening global governance.

Today’s international system is facing serious impacts from unilateralism and power politics. Revitalizing multilateralism and strengthening unity in response have become the common voice of the international community.

We believe that the authority and core status of the United Nations can only be strengthened, never weakened. The purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter have never become obsolete, but have become more important. China is already the permanent member of the Security Council that dispatches the largest number of peacekeepers, and is also the second largest country in the United Nations in terms of conference fees and peacekeeping assessments. China supports the Security Council in playing a primary role on peace and security issues and supports the United Nations in hosting a “future summit” to propose more feasible solutions to challenges.

In the face of climate threats, China has pushed for the United Nations Climate Change Conference to reach the “UAE Consensus” and will achieve the world’s highest reduction in carbon emission intensity in the shortest time in history. We are true to our word. Facing the challenge of artificial intelligence, China supports the establishment of an international artificial intelligence governance body under the framework of the United Nations to jointly safeguard human welfare.

We actively strengthen solidarity and cooperation in the “Global South”, promote the historic expansion of the “BRICS”, support the African Union to join the G20, and are committed to enhancing the representation and voice of developing countries in global affairs and contributing to global governance. The architecture is more balanced and effective.

As the world’s largest developing country, we insist on providing the world with more public goods within our own capabilities. From the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative to the global development initiative, global security initiative, and global civilization initiative, we adhere to the guidance of cooperation, the principle of openness, and the basis of equality, and continue to make China’s contribution to responding to global challenges.

To strengthen global governance, we must insist on respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries. Taiwan is an integral part of China’s territory, and Taiwan affairs are China’s internal affairs. To abide by basic international norms, we should adhere to the one-China principle. To maintain peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, we must resolutely oppose “Taiwan independence.”

Fourth, China is willing to be a stabilizing force that promotes global growth.

Everyone here is very concerned about the Chinese economy. What I want to emphasize is that the Chinese economy has always been full of vitality and resilience, and its long-term positive momentum has become more obvious. Last year, it contributed one-third of global growth with a growth rate of 5.2%. With the rapid growth of the world’s largest market, China will release greater benefits to the world. The global business community generally believes that “China will be the next country.”

Concentrating on realizing Chinese-style modernization is the current greatest political consensus of the Chinese people. Accelerating high-quality development is the last word for China in the new era. As President Xi Jinping emphasized, China’s door to opening up will only open wider. We will continue to expand institutional opening up, reduce the negative list for foreign investment access, and provide a more market-oriented, legal and international business environment for enterprises from various countries, including Europe. Currently, we have mutual visa exemptions with 23 countries, and have implemented unilateral visa exemptions for many European and other countries. In the next step, we will provide more convenience for people from all over the world to invest, start business, travel and study in China.

Opposing “decoupling and breaking links” has now become an international consensus, and more and more insightful people realize that non-cooperation is the biggest risk. Whoever attempts to “de-Sinicize” in the name of “de-risking” will make a historical mistake. The sea of ​​the world economy cannot retreat into isolated small lakes, and the general trend of economic globalization cannot be reversed. We should work together to promote globalization in a more inclusive and inclusive direction, so that more countries and more people can benefit from it. Benefit.


There is a German proverb that one person’s efforts are addition, and a team’s efforts are multiplication. The same is true for state-to-state relations. We hope that all countries will seek win-win results, avoid multiple losses, unite, cooperate, and work together to inject more certainty into the world and create a better future for mankind! (over)

2024-02-18 01:06:11
#Resolutely #stabilizing #force #turbulent #world #Wang #Yis #keynote #speech #China #Session #60th #Munich #Security #Conference #China #News #Network #China #News #Network

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