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China’s President Xi Jinping Receives Warm Welcome in Serbia as Economic Ties Strengthen

<a data-ail="5051694" target="_blank" href="https://www.world-today-news.com/tag/china/" >China</a>’s President Xi Jinping’s Visit to Belgrade – BBC <a data-ail="5051694" target="_blank" href="https://www.world-today-news.com/category/news/" >News</a> Report

China’s President Xi Jinping’s Visit to Belgrade: Strengthening Ties with Serbia

Red Carpets and Unwavering Friendship

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic (second from right) and his wife Tamara Vucic welcome China’s President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan in Belgrade

The visit of China’s President Xi Jinping to Belgrade has been marked by red flags lining the streets and displays of “ironclad friendship” between Serbia and China. During the visit, the president will also express his concerns about NATO and the anniversary of the US airstrikes on China’s embassy in Belgrade, emphasizing the importance of preserving peace and ensuring such a tragedy never happens again.

The warm welcome and enthusiastic reception by the Serbian people demonstrate the deepening relationship between China and Serbia, as Serbia seeks to strengthen ties with China while continuing its negotiations to join the European Union.

Expanding Economic Collaboration

French President Emmanuel Macron drinks coffee in a restaurant with Chinese President Xi Jinping, his wife Peng Liyuan, and Brigitte Macron, on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, at the Tourmalet pass, in the Pyrenees mountains
Xi Jinping enjoys a moment with French President Emmanuel Macron in the Pyrenees during his European trip

The visit not only signifies the strong political and diplomatic relationship between the two nations but also highlights significant economic collaborations. Serbia and China signed a free trade agreement last year, further enhancing their “comprehensive strategic partnership.” Chinese direct investments in Serbia, including investments by Hisense, Zijin, and Linglong, have significantly contributed to Serbia’s economic growth. Chinese companies have played a crucial role in developing Serbia’s infrastructure, including railways, roads, bridges, tunnels, and sewage systems, with more collaborations on the horizon.

A Promising Future

Serbia, known for its excellent wine production, plans to serve its most exceptional wines to President Xi Jinping during a banquet, taking the opportunity to highlight the expanding trade relations. With China serving as Serbia’s largest foreign direct investor, both countries recognize the potential for further economic growth and cooperation.

While some in Europe question Serbia’s close ties with China, both countries see room for expanding mutually beneficial collaborations. The strong economic cooperation between Serbia and China is only set to grow, with both nations actively working towards strengthening their ties.

Article by: Guy Delauney
Publication Date: 6 hours ago

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