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China’s Increasing Sales of Military Technologies to Russia Raises Concerns Amid Ukraine Conflict – Latest Updates

China has increased sales to Russia of machine tools, microelectronics and other technologies, which Moscow, in turn, uses to produce missiles, tanks, aircraft and other weapons.

According to a US administration official, expansion is being carried out at a faster pace than the US thought possible at the beginning of the war in Ukraine. writes Independent.

As an example of Beijing’s support for the Russian military-industrial complex, another American official cited Russia’s massive purchases of Chinese electronic components, machine tools and explosives.

In 2023, about 90% of Russian microelectronics came from China. Almost 70% of machine tool imports to Russia, worth about $900 million in the last quarter of 2023, came from China.

Chinese and Russian enterprises are also working to jointly produce unmanned aerial vehicles in Russia, and Chinese companies are likely to supply Russia with nitrocellulose needed for weapons production. Beijing is also working with Russia to improve its satellite and other space capabilities for use in Ukraine.

Cooperation between China and the Russian Federation – details

China and Russia agreed to maintain “industrial supply chain stability.” Notably, this came just days after US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned Beijing against supporting Moscow’s military efforts.

The Financial Times writes about this. Earlier, the Chinese Foreign Ministry reported that Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov, during a meeting held in Beijing on April 9, strengthened calls for closer cooperation between the two countries against “hegemony.”

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2024-04-12 21:39:00
#China #helping #Russia #carry #largest #military #expansion #USSR

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