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China’s first? |Bill Gates refers to China’s rise in decades as “a huge victory for the world”

China’s first? |Bill Gates refers to China’s rise in decades as “a huge victory for the world

The United States “Forbes” website reported that Microsoft (US: MSFT) founder Bill Gates (Bill Gates) said at a forum held by a think tank in Australia yesterday (26th) that China’s rise in recent decades is “the world’s Huge victory”. He also pointed out that the United States and China look at each other with a “lose-lose mentality” and believes that the United States is now politically “weaker” and countries like China need to play a greater role in world governance .

Gates talked about China’s evolution from a developing country to a major global power in the forum. He pointed out that China was still in a state of extreme poverty in 1980, worse than India, facing famine, malnutrition, etc., but now it has become the richest middle-income country in the world, and its development is unbelievable. It’s a very good thing.

He also pointed out that if you ask American politicians whether they want China to grow by 20% or shrink by 20%, I am afraid their answer will be: I would rather China become poorer, but Gates believes that they do not understand the impact of this idea on the world. The economy, as well as the research and development of anti-cancer drugs and the significance of solving climate change problems, emphasize that these problems require global joint efforts to solve them.

Gates also specifically warned that the current hawkish attitude of the United States towards China is to allow these ideas to self-fulfill in a very negative way. He did not mention specific examples, but the U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a bill this month to establish the “Ad Hoc Committee on Strategic Competition between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party” to deal with China’s challenge.

Gates also mentioned that the current global system is designed around the leadership of the United States, but the United States is now politically weaker than before, which is a terrible thing for the world. As other middle-income countries such as China and India grow richer, they should step up to the front of the world stage and play a stronger and greater role in global governance.

Source: comprehensive report

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