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China’s Expanding Productive Investment for Economic Recovery: Major Projects in Transportation, Energy, and New Infrastructure

All regions actively expand productive investment to provide support for the continued economic recovery–Economy·Technology–People’s Daily Online

Investment is one of the “troika” driving economic growth. The Central Economic Work Conference held in 2023 emphasized that in 2024, it is necessary to stimulate potential consumption, expand profitable investment, and form a virtuous cycle in which consumption and investment promote each other.

Since 2024, projects in transportation, energy, water conservancy, new infrastructure and other fields have been started one after another, and batches of projects have been steadily advanced to provide supply for effective demand and support the continued economic recovery.

——The construction of major transportation projects is advancing steadily.

A few days ago, at the reconstruction and expansion project site of the Hubei North Section of the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway, intelligent machinery and equipment roared, and light tower construction machines were continuously pouring concrete under the operation of workers, creating a busy scene. “This is Hubei’s largest single expressway reconstruction and expansion project with the highest investment amount at present. It can create jobs for 5,000 people in the areas along the route and boost local GDP by 120 billion yuan.” Hubei Communications Investment Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway Reconstruction and Expansion Project Management Co., Ltd. Executive Director Shen Diandong said.

The entrance of Tianshan Shengli Tunnel of Wuwei Expressway.Photo provided by interviewee

Thousands of miles away, on January 18, deep in the Tianshan Mountains of Xinjiang at an altitude of more than 2,800 meters, the world’s longest highway tunnel under construction – the Wuwei Expressway Tianshan Shengli Tunnel’s twin main tunnels both exceeded the 9,000-meter mark, and the opening of the main tunnel was completed. 81% of the excavation task was completed, laying the foundation for the early penetration of the tunnel. After the completion of the project, the time from Urumqi to Korla will be shortened from more than 6 hours to about 3 hours, which is of great significance to promoting Xinjiang’s economic development and the development of regional advantageous resources.

Major projects are the “ballast stone” for economic development and an important starting point for expanding effective investment. According to the reporter’s review, in 2024, Anhui Province plans to complete an investment of more than 130 billion yuan in transportation construction and complete 500 kilometers of highways; Hunan Province plans to complete a transportation investment of more than 84 billion yuan; Guizhou will complete an investment of more than 80 billion yuan in fixed assets for road and water transportation, and complete the construction of highways. There are 250 kilometers of highway projects (sections), and the highway mileage exceeds 9,000 kilometers; Jiangsu Province plans to arrange transportation investment of more than 220 billion yuan; Increase the construction of major transportation projects to provide strong support for economic recovery.

——The construction of energy and water conservancy projects has set off an upsurge.

In Sichuan, on January 12, in a deep mountain canyon with an altitude of more than 2,000 meters in the middle reaches of the Yalong River, as the last load of stones poured into Longkou of the main river bed, the major national hydropower project, the million-kilowatt hydropower station in the Yalong River Basin – Kara The hydropower station successfully closed the river.

Kala Hydropower Station realizes river closure.Photo provided by interviewee

“The Kala Hydropower Station has successfully completed the river closure, marking the formal transition of the project into a new stage of construction of the main project.” The relevant person in charge of the Kala Construction Management Bureau of Yalong River Hydropower of SDIC said that the total investment of the Kala Hydropower Project is approximately 17.1 billion yuan. During the construction period of the power station , the tax contribution to the local area reached 238 million yuan. After the power station is put into operation, it can continue to contribute about 150 million yuan in taxes and fees every year, which will promote local economic and social development and help rural revitalization.

In Hubei, the first major project in the follow-up project of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project – the diversion of the Yangtze River to the Han Dynasty to replenish the Han Dynasty has entered the full construction stage. “After the completion of the project, it can effectively improve the water resources allocation capacity of the Han River Basin, increase the amount of water diverted from the north in the middle route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, improve the water supply guarantee capacity of the middle route project, and create conditions for the long-term water diversion scale of the Han River to the Wei River.” China South-to-North Water Diversion Group Co., Ltd. Shanghai Feng, deputy general manager of the company’s Jianghan Water Network Construction and Development Co., Ltd. said.

The relevant person in charge of the National Energy Administration said that the promotion of key infrastructure and new infrastructure construction in the energy field has driven investment growth to maintain a high level, effectively playing a leading and supporting role in expanding domestic demand, stabilizing investment, promoting growth, and ensuring security.

——Intensify the layout of new infrastructure construction.

In Gui’an New District, Guizhou, there are many tower cranes, citizen centers, computing power centers, etc. are scattered in an orderly manner, and data center projects are “growing jointly”; in Zhongwei, Ningxia, China Unicom is laying out the construction of a smart computing training and promotion hub node. This project supports the supply of large-scale computing power above 1,000 calories and can provide integrated computing network services for the western region…

At present, the “Eastern Data and Western Computing” project is progressing steadily. The construction of 8 national computing power hub nodes has all started, and 10 national data center clusters have been deployed simultaneously. The number of newly constructed data center projects in the western region has grown steadily, and the agglomeration effect of my country’s computing power has initially emerged.

Zhang Hangyan, associate researcher at the Institute of Industrial Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that new infrastructure corresponds to huge investment demand and consumption demand. It can innovate consumption patterns, promote consumption upgrades, expand consumer groups, and expand consumption scenarios. It is the combination point of expanding investment and promoting consumption. , is of great significance to increasing domestic demand and stimulating economic growth.

Sun Chuanwang, a professor at the China Energy Economics Research Center of Xiamen University, said that a large number of engineering projects have started construction and are advancing steadily, which will help boost development confidence, accelerate the release of potential and economic recovery; help stabilize market expectations, promote steady economic recovery and overall improvement; It is conducive to promoting the coordinated development of the upstream and downstream industrial chains and stabilizing the fundamentals of economic development; it is conducive to exerting the lasting driving force of engineering project investment and construction for stable growth, and empowering the Chinese-style modernization construction with high-quality economic development.

“To expand effective investment, we need to expand the effective investment space, continue to optimize the investment environment, and effectively improve the comprehensive benefits of investment.” Yuan Da, director of the National Economic and Comprehensive Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, said at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office recently that government investment More investment will be made in capacity-building projects that lay the foundation, benefit the long-term, and consolidate the fundamentals. In 2024, we will increase support for key core technologies and research, new infrastructure, energy conservation, emission reduction, and carbon reduction, and accelerate the cultivation of new momentum for development. Strengthen coordination between departments and between the central and local governments, support key projects in accelerating preliminary work progress, strengthen the guarantee of project funds, land use, sea use, environmental impact assessment and other factors, speed up project approval procedures, promote the accelerated construction of projects, and form a physical workload.

[Editor in charge: Zhao Chao]

2024-01-23 01:36:00
#regions #actively #expanding #productive #investment #provide #support #continued #economic #recovery_China #Net #China #Net

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