Home » today » Business » China’s Bid to Build Saudi Arabia’s First Nuclear Power Plant

China’s Bid to Build Saudi Arabia’s First Nuclear Power Plant

by Olivier Daelen
published on Friday, August 25, 2023 at 7:26 PM •
5 min reading

Saudi Arabia has been saying for years that it wants nuclear power plants on its territory. Until now it was expected that they would be built with the support of the United States. But now China is taking a step forward.

Why is this important?

Saudi Arabia, long considered a staunch American ally in the Middle East, seems to be gradually moving away from this country. China is not blind to this: it wants to take advantage of the situation. Getting a civilian nuclear program off the ground is anything but trivial, as it binds countries together in the long term through very costly contracts.

In the news: According to the Wall Street Journal China has made an offer to Saudi Arabia to build its first nuclear power plant.

Riyadh may find the proposal attractive, as Beijing attaches far less restrictive conditions to it than Washington.

Saudi Arabia is rubbing its hands

Details: China’s offer is already a victory in itself.

Saudi officials themselves told the American news site that the Chinese are a front

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2023-08-25 17:27:15
#China #beat #building #Saudi #Arabias #nuclear #power #plant #change

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