Home » World » China’s Attempt at a Counter-Meeting to G7 Backfires Due to Excessive Royal Protocol

China’s Attempt at a Counter-Meeting to G7 Backfires Due to Excessive Royal Protocol

G7 accounted for 44% of world GDP… ‘Rustic Round Table’ Summit
China’s ‘magnificent round table conference’… ‘Stan 5’ status packaging
China “Examples of openness and equality multilateralism… G7 closed faction”
The message of differentiation from the G7 is fading due to the authoritative ‘Emperor Protocol’


Prior to the G7 summit, China held a counter-meeting by inviting the leaders of five Central Asian countries.

However, it is pointed out that trying to wrap the relatively low status of the ‘Stan 5’ with a splendid ceremony has backfired.

This is Correspondent Kang Jeong-kyu in Beijing.


Leaders of seven major countries enter a quiet traditional Japanese ryokan as if taking a walk.

Compared to the size of the G7’s economy, which accounts for 44% of global GDP, we sit around a modest round table.

Chatting and commemorative photos open to everyone, reminiscent of team meetings or social gatherings of working-level staff.

[기시다 후미오 / 일본 총리 : 국제사회가 직면한 여러 과제 해결을 향한 우리들의 단호한 결의를 이곳 히로시마로부터 강력히 발신하고자 합니다.]

One day before the G7 summit, China invited the leaders of five Central Asian countries to the ancient imperial city of Xi’an.

The leaders who got off the ceremonial vehicle were welcomed by beautiful women holding dragon-patterned lanterns.

A splendid gala show will be held on a stage reminiscent of the imperial palace.

The next day, the roundtable was also held in a magnificent space as if to complement the status of the ‘Stan 5’, which is weak compared to the G7.

[시진핑 / 중국 국가 주석 (지난 19일) : 중국은 중앙아시아 국가에 총 260억 위안의 융자와 무상원조를 제공할 것입니다.]

China accused the G7 of being a closed faction and said that they set an example of ‘multilateralism’ of openness and equality.

However, it is pointed out that even the message that tried to differentiate from the G7 has faded because the excessive royal protocol was reflected authoritatively.

This is YTN Jungkyu Kang from Beijing.

Video editing: Lim Jong-moon

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#China #table #meeting #G7…Emperors #protocol #packaging #adverse #effect
2023-05-21 17:01:00

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