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China will provide vaccine assistance to Pakistan. Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China-Pakistan friendship is as solid as a rock after tests_Pakistan

Original title: China will provide vaccine assistance to Pakistan. Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China-Pakistan friendship is as solid as a rock after tests

At the regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs this afternoon (22nd), a reporter asked the spokesperson about China’s provision of vaccine assistance to Pakistan.

In response, the spokesperson Hua Chunying said that Pakistan is China’s all-weather strategic partner, and the two sides have always had a fine tradition of mutual support and mutual assistance. When one party is in trouble, the other party always lends a helping hand without hesitation.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, China and Pakistan have always been in the same boat and have overcome difficulties together. In order to support Pakistan’s brothers and sisters in fighting the epidemic, the Chinese government has decided to provide Pakistan with a batch of vaccine assistance and actively coordinate Chinese companies to speed up the export of vaccines to Pakistan.

Hua Chunying emphasized that no matter how the international situation changes, the friendly cooperation between China and Pakistan will move forward firmly. China is willing to take the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Pakistan as an opportunity to carry out higher-level, broader and deeper strategic cooperation with Pakistan to jointly build a closer China-Pakistan community of shared future. (CCTV reporter Shen Yang Yang Yi)

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