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China Requests UN Not to Attend Event in Germany, What’s Up?

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The Chinese government asked members of the United Nations (UN) not to attend any of the events organized by Germany, the United States and Britain next week. The agenda for the event discussed the persecution of Uighur Muslims and minorities in Xinjiang.

“This is a politically motivated event, we ask your mission not to participate in this anti-China event,” China’s representative to the United Nations wrote in a note, citing CNBC International, Saturday (8/5/2021).

Chinese authorities accuse event organizers (several European countries along with Australia and Canada) of using human rights issues as a political tool to interfere in China’s domestic affairs such as Xinjiang. In order to create divisions and turbulence and disrupt China’s development.

“They were obsessed with provoking and confronting China, (..) the provocative event only led to confrontation,” the note read.

During the event, the ambassadors for the United States, Germany and Britain will address a virtual UN event on Wednesday, along with Human Rights Watch Executive Director Ken Roth and Amnesty International Secretary General, Agnes Callamard.

The purpose of the invitation to this event was explained to discuss how the system in the United Nations, member states and civil society can support and advocate for human rights for members of ethnic Turkish descent in Xinjiang.

Meanwhile, western countries and rights groups accuse authorities in Xinjiang of detaining and torturing Uighurs in camps, which US authorities call genocide. Last January, Uncle Sam also banned imports of cotton and tomato products from Xinjiang on charges of forced labor.

The Chinese government of course denies the allegations and describes the camps as vocational training centers to combat religious extremism.

“Beijing has tried for years to bully the government into silence, but that strategy has failed miserably, as more developed countries are voicing horror and hatred over China’s crimes against Uighurs and other Turkish Muslims,” ​​said UN Human Rights Watch Director Louis Charbonneau.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]


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